week 8 must recap before exam Flashcards
linear probing
h’(x) = [ h(x) + i ] % N N - size i= 1,2,3 … N-1 (iterate when theres is a collision increasing value of i until you reach an empty cell)
uses link lists
hash function
h(k) = K Mod N ( k- value of key) and N - size
N is preferably prime to reduce likelihood of collision
MAD hash function
((ay+b) ModP ) Mod N
N - size and prefrably prime
p - prime greater than n
a and b - random integers [0, p-1] a > 0
In worst case search , insertions, removals on a hashtable is o(n) everything collides ( chaining where linked list is best example if everything collides you would have to traverse across every element in linked list
double hashing
h(k) = K Mod N
h’(k) = q - k Mod q
Q should be a prime less than N
if collision :
A[ ((h(k) + j x h’(k) ) Mod N ]
load factor alpha
m / N gives expected keys per slot
m - the no of keys
N - the size of the array
if load factor is close 100 percent
m ( no of keys )is approximately N
hashing will be slow
how to keep load factor small
Keeping the load factor down
To keep hashing performance up, we need to
keep the load factor a down
We use rehashing to do so:
Whenever load factor becomes too large (e.g., >
Create new bucket array approx. double the size
of the old one
Iterate all elements in the old bucket array and
use put to add them to the new bucket array