Week 8: Island Biogeography Flashcards
Lectures 13 and 14
character displacement (*)
evolutionary divergency of a character shared by similar species when their ranges overlap
ecological release (*)
tendency of a population in a species-poor environments to occupy a broader range of their fundamental niche
island syndrome
- COMMUNITY LEVEL: biotas depauperate; ecological interactions simplified/atypical; large/isolated/old islands are often hotspots of speciation, diversity, endemicity
- POPULATION LEVEL: demographic and ecological release, expand their niches
- INDIVIDUAL LEVEL: changes in body size; defenses against predators; increase tameness; woodiness in herbaceous plants; lost or highly reduced dispersal capacities
species abundance relationship (SAD)
Relative abundances of species often fit a lognormal (bell-curve) distribution because: only few species are extremeley common, most are rare. And, as progressively larger areas are sample, you get more individuals and more species.
species area relationship
species diversity…
- increases with area (species area relationship)
- increases less rapidly for larger islands
- mathematical generalization
how species abundance distribution (SAD) and species area relationship are linked
Isolated islands have fewer species per unit area; slope of species-area relationship is much steeper for isolated islands than single large landmass (if species becomes too rare, it becomes extinct; can’t be sustained by exchange between local areas)
species isolation relationship
species diversity decreases with isolation
(relationship is less clear)
equilibrium and turnover
- equilibrium dynamic
- relative turnover rates (immigrators replacing species becoming extinct) tend to be lower for organisms with longer generation times
importance of history of islands
- if fragments (broken off from mainland): get relaxation and paleo-endemism
- if formed de novo: get colonization and adaptive radiation
equilibrium theory of island biogegraphy (ETIB)
Equilibrium between opposing rates of colonization (immigration) and extinction.
- equilibrium stable at point of intersection of curves
- equilibrium is dynamic because species turnover remains above zero as species new to the island continue to replace those that go extinct
assumptions of ETIB
- ETIP is a neutral theory (differences between members of an ecological community is irrelevant to their success) –> point is to find a minimal but common set of processess that can satisfactorily explain observed phenomena.
(1) Area of an island affects extinction rate only – greater area allows more individuals to persist
(2) Isolation of an island affects the immigration rate only – rate decreases with isolation
(3) Does not consider speciation
challenges to ETIB (target effect, rescue effect, speciation)
(1) Target effect: area affects not just extinction, but also colonization – larger islands provide larger targets to colonists
(2) Rescue effect: distance affects not just immigration, but also extinction rates – near islands have immigration that reduces chance of extinction
(3) on very isolated islands, speciation can out-pace immigration
speciation and endemicity on islands
more remote islands = less frequent immigration = lower gene flow from mainland = hotspot of endemicity
radiation zone
near the outer limit of the dispersal range of a given taxon; speciation within an archipelago can outrun immigration
adaptive radiation (??)
nonadaptive radiation (??)
related ecologically similar species that are allopatric or parapatric replacements of one another
endemicity related to island area and age
(a) Area – effects of area on total resources; habitat diversity increases with island area, so more niches and barriers to gene flow (mountains, rivers); larger islands = larger populations = persist longer = in situ speciation
(b) Threshold area – minimum area below which the island is too small to produce endemics (due to resource requirements)
(c) Age – speciation takes time
taxon cycles & evolutionary traps
driven by colonization of generalized species which evolves to become more specialized.
Stage I: widespread, undifferentiated species colonized from mainland.
Stage II: widespread form with well-differentiated subspecies on different islands.
Stage III: species with well-differentiated subspecies on only a few islands.
Stage IV: narrowly endemic species
community assembly hypothesis
nonrandom patterns in the structure of communities and biotas.
- islands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans tend to form regular subsets of mainland biota
- disrupted by evolution/adaptive radiation
- selective immigration
relict pattern
capacity to persist, given limited insular resources, may differ predictably among species; orderly loss of species
alpha diversity
local diversity
beta diversity
turnover diversity: distinct species
niche conservatism
tendency of species to retain ancestral ecological characters
organisms in a community may be:
(a) Phylogenetically and phenotypically clustered ()
(b) Phylogenetically and phenotypically over-dispersed ()
(c) Phylogenetically clustered and phenotypically over-dispersed (*)
(d) Phylogenetically over-dispersed and phenotypically clustered
(a) due to environmental filtering. species in each community are all closely related (phylogenetically clustered) and exploit the same niche (phenotypically clustered).
(b) due to how species interactions/competition shape species composition in the community. Species in each community are NOT each other’s closest relatives (phylogenetically overdispersed) and exploit different niches (phenotypically overdispersed)
(c) due to evolutionary change in traits associated with (for ex) adaptive radiation. species in each community are each other’s closest relatives (phylogenetically clustered) yet exploit different niches (phenotypically overdispersed); this can happen when close relatives come together and diverge through character displacement.
(d) due to extreme environmental filtering. species in each community are NOT each others closest relatives (phenotypically over-dispersed) yet exploit the same niche (phenotypically clustered). Not common, but could arise from filtering.
convergent evolution
distantly related organisms may evolve similar adaptatioins to occupy similar niches.
can happen at many levels: marsupials vs placentals, anolis lizards on different islands, cichlids in different lakes
*repeated evolution of ecomorphs
loss of dispersal
derived insular flightlessness associated with: loss of predators, energy conservation, loss to gene pool. currently high levels of extinction
convergence of lineages (*)
body size: island rule
Individuals tend towards size extremes (gigantism in smaller, and dwarfism in larger). Factors involved:
- climate conditions (cooler climates favoring larger body size)
- island area (larger islands can support larger individuals)
- island isolation (immigrant selection favoring larger individuals)
- ecological interactions play a larger role
gigantism and woodiness in plants
Woodiness, arboresence occurred repeatedly on islands – assocated with ecological shifts from herbaceous ancestors.
- woodiness suggests greater longevity
- associated with shift from r-selected strategies to k-selected strategies
changing rate of colonization (recent invasions)
- decline of mammal diversity associated with arrival of humans
- antropogenic loss and transformation of native environments proceed in geographically nonrandom fashion, spreading from sites of human colonization toward remote sites.
- impact on the islands of remote Oceania: Polynesia colonization (warefare = loss of native species); Cook (brought disease)
- rate of extinction on islands extraordinarily high