Week 8: How to Build a Planet The Paleozoic Earth Flashcards
Make sure you know the names of the three principal eras of the Phanerozoic, their periods, and the age of the boundaries between them
What defines the base of the Phanerozoic?
What proportion of Earth history does the Phanerozoic represent?
What type of events are used to define the boundaries between the eras and periods of the Phanerozoic?
What is the overall trend in the distribution of the continents through the Phanerozoic?
How did sea level change during the Phanerozoic relative to present day sea level? Could you draw the relative sea level curve? During which periods was sea level highest and lowest?
What is the relationship between sea level, transgressions and regressions, and unconformities?
What is an epicontinental sea? Why might an epicontinental sea form and retreat? What does this have to do with transgression and regression?
What are the general trends in the climate and sea level through the Paleozoic? What are the names of the major Palaeozoic continental masses and oceans and the approximate ages of their formation and amalgamation?
Specifically, for each period of the Paleozoic what were the environmental conditions: ie where were the
continents located (palaeogeography) and what was global temperature and sea level
What major change took place on the Earth at the beginning of the Paleozoic? What is the Cambrian explosion?
Does the unconformity at the base of the Cambrian indicate a major marine transgression or regression?
What led to a high concentration of metal ions in the oceans that were the source materials of biomineralization in the Cambrian?
What effect did the advent of mineralised hard parts have on the fossil record?
What are the advantages of biomineralization?
When did the Great Ordovician Biodiversification events (GOBE) occur?
How did GOBE differ to the Cambrian explosion?
What were the physical causes of the GOBE?
What is thought to be the principal cause of the Late Ordovician mass extinction?
What was the depositional setting of reefs in the Silurian? How did the distribution of reefs in the Silurian differ to the distribution of reefs today and why? How have the major reef forming organisms changed through time?
When did the Calendonian Orogeny occur and why? What are the names of the continental masses and of the ocean between them that was closed in the Calendonian orogeny? Make sure that you can locate the Calendonian orogen.
How did sea level fall through the Silurian-Devonian affect deposition on the land? What are red beds and what was there depositional setting?
When is the oldest evidence for land plants? When did plants start evolving into something more than small,
primitive forms? What age are the oldest forests?
What impact did land vegetation have on the oxygen content of the atmosphere, the climate, and on rivers and animal life? If meandering rivers are seen Mars, does this mean vegetation also existed there at one time?
When in the Devonian did one of the big-five mass extinction events occur and what were the physical causes?
How did the climate at the poles and equator compare in the Carboniferous?
When did the Gondwanan glaciations occur?
What caused the cyclicity observed in Mid- to Late Carboniferous successions?
What two economically important units were deposited at equatorial latitudes in the early and late Carboniferous respectively? What were their depositional settings?
When did the supercontinent Pangaea form? What is the Variscan orogeny and when did it occur? What are the names of the two large continental masses and of the ocean between them that was closed in the Variscan orogeny?
Make sure that you can locate the Variscan orogen, Panthalassic ocean, Paleo-Tethys ocean, Tethys Ocean, Gondwana, Laurasia, Siberia and Cimmerian Terrane on a map of the world
What effect did the formation of Pangaea have on global sea level and climate in the Permian? How did the depositional setting change in the Permian from the Carboniferous at low to mid latitudes?
What economically important group of minerals were deposited in the Zechstein Basin, and when were they
deposited? What is the main process by which these minerals form?