Week 8 - Functional Groups in Organic Molecules Abnd Spectrophotometer Flashcards
Responsible for the characteristic chemical and physical properties of those molecules
Specific groups of atoms within molecules
Functional group
The site of reactivity in an organic molecule
C=C double
Functional group
Atoms of functional groups are linked together within the molecule by
Covalent bonds
Usually referred to in the context of organic chemistry / organic compounds
Functional groups
Hydrocarbons are chemical combo consisting of
Carbon and hydrogen
Consisting of only single bonds between carbon atoms
Saturated hydrocarbons
With double or triple bonds
Unsaturated hydrocarbons
Consist of hydrogen bonded to carbon rings
Cycloalkanes (hydrocarbons)
Contain a chemical structure known as an aromatic ring (benzene)
Aromatic hydrocarbons
Single bonds
Saturated hydrocarbon
Carbon and hydrogen only
Carbon to carbon bond (C=C)
Unsaturated hydrocarbons
Carbon to carbon triple bond
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
-OH group in a covalent bond is known as
Hydroxyl group
Composed of a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom : C=O
Carbonyl group
Under mike oxidation conditions, alcohols can convert to:
Aldehydes and ketones
The carbonyl group must be at the end of a carbon chain
H | H —. C — OH | H
H H | | HO — C — C — OH |. | H H
Ethylene glycol (antifreeze ) OHCH2CH2OH
H | C = O | H
Formaldehyde CH2O
Responsible for many flavours and odours in foods and perfumes
CH3— C —CH3
O || R — C — OH
Carboxyl group - organic acids
Made from two hydrocarbon chains joined by a COO group
Broken down into organic acids and alcohols
Fats and oils are:
Organic compounds containing an amino/ functional group (NH2) are called ________
Derivatives of ammonia (NH3) are ______
Neutralize acids by absorbing H+
Weak bases
Have NH2 and C=O groups on the same carbon atom
Contain a carbonyl group followed by either NH2 or NHR
High energy compounds are formed by linking several phosphates together
Group of atoms within a molecule that interact in predictable ways
Functional group
Optical instrument for measuring the intensity of light relative to wavelength
Used to measure the concentration of solutes in a solution by measuring the amount of light that is absorbed by the solution in a cuvette placed in the spectrophotometer
Electromagnetic radiation