Week 8 - Anomie Theory (Strain Theory) Flashcards
What is the Anomie theory?
When disruption occurs
breakdown of social norms
When those norms no longer control societal members
What is the prodcut of Anomie?
- Social components that work together become isolated
- Complex industrial society
- Evolution of society causes imbalance
Who is Emile Durkheim & what did he believe
He is a French philosopher and one of the first sociologist
Family becoming less important than the state (the main goal was to make money, not about if your family was happy)
Individuals as a product of society
Saw society as evolving
Saw social statistics as real “facts”
What is Durkheim view of social history?
Through industrial development, society evolved from a simple form , (mechanical) to a complex (organic) form
Using land for what it provides
Working as a collective society as opposed to an individualistic society
What changes disrupt society’s balance
- Upsets the balance of unity
- Organic societies have a continual state of Anomie (The community is always stuck in a state of not having what they need for a happy and fulfilling life)
What did Durkheim’s books focus on Anomie?
Focus on social conditions (rules lose value)
Anomie is represented by high rates of suicide, crime and deviance
What is the social heritage of Merton’s Theory
Great depression
- Depicted presence of anomie in society
- Enough crime statistics collected to compare crime rates among groups; lower-class had higher crime rates
What is the intellectual heritage of Anomie Theory?
- Sorokin & Simpson’s translations of Durkheim’s work
- Chicago School vs East Coast sociology
- Parson’s grand theory (structural functionalist ideas, suggested rates of crime in society need to be explained, not individual crime)
What is Merton’s Anomie Theory
- Uses rates of crime, and suicide and attempts to explain them (never meant to focus on the individual criminality)
- Societal-level events explain how changes affect groups (classes) of people
- A theory of deviance
What are the foundations of the Anomie Theory?
It focused on embedded social structure and cultural differences in society.
social disconnection between goals and means of society
What are the definitions of goals and means?
Goals: What one should strive for (money)
Means: Ways of attaining goals (approved and not)
Anomie and the American Dream
Society tells us what to achieve but not everyone has access to socially approved means
The social class pyramid keeps the poor at bottom
What are Merton’s modes of adaption?
Deviance is created in a way people adapt to inability to reach goals or to lack access to means
There are 5 modes of adaption and all of them are forms of deviance
- Conformity
- innovation
- Ritualism
- Retreatism
- Rebellion
Accepts all goals and means; the most common adaptation
True conformity is NOT a mode of adaption and will result when both the goals and means are available (wealthy)
Criminals believe in their goals but participate in different means to achieve that goals for example academic misconduct.
Most crime is this type
Follows the same path as a society, but does not have the same end goal as a society
For example bureaucrat
People who just give up and retreat from society, do not actively participate in society, for example, homeless people, drug addicts, and alcoholics
Was seen as the most uncommon but now more common
Replaces original goals and means
What is absolute deprivation?
People are in absolute poverty
Keeping up with the Jones
How are Durkheim and Merton’s theories of anomie different?
Merton - Focused on the ability of the social system to exercise the control of social norms
Durkehims - Focused on social conditions in a society where rules lost their value
What is the classification of anomie theory?
- Positivist
- Consensuses
- Structural
- Macro theory
- Functionalist theory (desirable to explain a social event)