week 8 Flashcards
- Describe several reasons why people become homeless (provide current evidence for support)
- Lack of affordable housing
- Poverty
- Unfortunate life events.
whats primar homelessness
- Primary homelessness is experienced by people without conventional accommodation (e.g. sleeping rough or in improvised dwellings);
whats secondary homelessness
- Secondary homelessness is experienced by people who frequently move from one temporary shelter to another (e.g. emergency accommodation, youth refuges, “couch surfing”); (ELSA FITS HERE)
whats tertiary homelessness
- Tertiary homelessness is experienced by people staying in accommodation that falls below minimum community standards (e.g. boarding housing and caravan parks).
some of the different occupational needs of some of the population groups who are homeless.
Maintaining a safe housing
Self care
Participation in risky behaviour
- What is the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA
The National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) aims to ensure that all Australians have access to affordable, safe and sustainable housing that contributes to social and economic participation.
The Housing Authority is a key delivery partner, allocating or acquiring dwellings for seven NPAH programs:
- A Place to Call Home
- Street to Home
- Housing Support Worker- Mental Health
- Housing Support Worker – Drug and Alcohol
- Housing Support Worker – Corrections – Adult and Juvenile
- Homelessness Accommodation Support Workers
- People with Exceptionally Complex Needs.
whats the model of occupational empowerment involve
disempowering environment: eg poverty, substance abuse
occupational deprivation:
reinforce learned helplessness: poor behaviour patterns continue
empowering oT programming: eg empowerment groups, social support
empowerment through occupation: eg leads to development of positive occ identity
promotes positive occupational change eg self efficacy and healthy behaviour evolve
role of organisations such as The Big Issue
We are an independent, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting and creating work opportunities for homeless, marginalised and disadvantaged people. Simply put, we help people help themselves.
- Describe the Elizabeth Street Common Ground project and the likely impact it will have for people who are homeless.
Elizabeth Street Common Ground provides permanent, affordable, high-quality housing to 65 people with complex needs who have been chronically homeless, many for more than 10 years. An additional 66 apartments exist for low income workers and students. The Common Ground model combines the two essential ingredients for ending homelessness: good quality permanent housing and tailored support services. Elizabeth Street Common Ground is a partnership with Yarra Community Housing, the Victorian Property Fund, the Victorian and Federal Governments and Grocon.
Select 2 occupational enablement skills and outline how an OT could use each to address homelessness and domestic violence with a client?
Educate elza of the importance of engaging in a productive meaningful routine and discuss whether this is something she would be interested in
Collaborate with Elaz to create a routine that is achievable for her
- Engaging and working with a person who is homeless can be challenging. Describe two strategies that an OT may use to engage a person who is homeless in therapy.
Initially building a strong rapport to build trust
Capitilise on strengths: amplify strengths and resouces as tools to use in reducing dificulties
2 intervneiotns for return to work
Cognitive work hardening:
- bridges gap etween depression improvement and work functioning
- involves grading, pacing techniques and coping skills
group therapy session lfie skills: • Sessions on employment interest & decision-making • Searching for employment • Cover letter and resume writing • Job maintenance/advancement
Describe some other accommodation options available for people who are homeless in Victoria.
Salvos home
Crisis and emergency housing
Vincent care
Doorway is Wellway’s housing program for people with serious mental illness who are homeless or at risk of
homelessness. It can help you with your recovery, and help you focus on getting a safe and stable home and job.