Week 8 Flashcards
What is a direct quotation?
Price 1 Unit foreign currency expressed in terms of the domestic currency.
1 Foreign = X Domestic
What is indirect quotation?
Price 1 Unit Domestic currency expressed in terms of the foreign currency.
1 Domestic = X Foreign
How do you calculate foreign exchange loss?
(Balance x Spot Rate) - (Balance x Close Rate)
What is a qualifying asset?
An asset that takes a substantial period (12 Months) to get ready for use/sale
How do we treat qualifying assets?
Direct costs (Acquisition, Production, Construction) Capitalised
Other borrowing costs expensed
What is a hedging transaction?
Action taken to avoid adverse movements in exchange rates
What is a FV hedge?
For recognized A/L
What is a CF hedge?
Variability on CFs
A component of recognizable A/L
A highly profitable forecast transaction
What are the 3 components to qualify for hedge accounting?
1) Only hedged item and hedging instrument
2) Formal documentation of hedging relationship1
3) Meets specific hedge effectiveness requirements