week 8 Flashcards
cellar fire, the first line gets to the fire how?
thru interior down the cellar stairs
building fully involved, where do the 1st two lines operate?
in the fire building
when is a 2nd alarm automatic in a brownstone? rowframe?
brownstone- heavy fire in cellar and basement
rowframe- 2 buildings involved
what is the minimum number of victims to be considered an MCI?
for emergency mass decon you are using 2 handlines. how far apart should they be? what size hose? what nozzle? and what is the operating pressure?
20-30ft apart
2 1/2” hose
aquastream nozzle
for emergency mass decon you are going to set up with 2 pumpers. where are the control panels? what nozzles? how far apart are the pumpers? what is the operating pressure?
25ft apart
aquastream nozzle
control panels are outboard
for emergency mass decon, what type of nozzle for aerial ladder pipe, multiversal, tower ladder?
aerial ladder pipe and multiversal is aquastream
tower ladder is tubromaster
what is a:
1-lean over collapse
2-lean to collapse
3- inward/outward collapse
1-lean over= wood frame collapse tilting or leaning over to one side
2-lean to= one end of the floor beams remain supported by a bearing wall and the other end remains unsupported
3-inward/outward= wood building, exterior wall breaks apart, top collapses inward and bottom collapses outward
what are the 5 stages of collapse? which 2 can be performed simultaneously?
RR SS General 1-recon 2-removal of surface victims 3-search voids 4-selected debris and tunneling 5-general debris removal 1&2 can be done at same time **no heavy equipment during selected debris removal
when parking on BI, who selects the parking spot?
the officer
at a fire in a building with a cell site, the cell site is involved so you transmit a second alarm.
false, if cell site is INVOLVED then extra engine and extra truck
can you draft and use salt water at a coned facility?
NO, no additives (no salt, no foam)
when bringing tools into a coned facility, tools should not be above? 1-head 2-shoulders 3-chest 4-dong
when drawing the X at a collapse for searching a void, each slash shall be how long?
when responding to a plane crash at JFK, units shall form a convo, who is on the left and who is on the right?
Left-L-Ladders, rescue, squad
Right- engines
how far above a a roof,parapet, bulkhead can a cell phone antenna extend?
if someone wants to ride on a rig, who do you forward the request to? 1-chief of ops 2-chief of dept 3-OPI 4-comisioner
chief of ops
who can make the decision to apply water to electrical components at a con edison facility
a chief above the rank of deputy chief
all fdny equipment inside the property line is connected to the con edison ground grid prior to applying water, coned personnel does this
which of the following can a CPC unit do? (more than 1 correct) 1-mitigation 2-decon 3-operate in level A & B CPC suits 4-search, rescue, and removal of victims
all but Mitigation, they dont do this
a CPC entry team is searching for victims, one of the members goes down for a known reason, the other member must immediately leave the area.
false, only true if its an UNKNOWN reason
there was a poisonous gas released in a movie theater, which victims should be removed 1st? a-ambulatory b-non ambulatory, not responsive c-non ambulatory, responsive d-dead
quickly removing the clothing from a contaminated victim can remove up to what percentage of the contamination?
Lith X or Met-L-X:
A-which is superior for very hot burning metal fires?
B-which is superior for fire on vertical surfaces?
C-which forms a crust on the metal
D-which is identifiable by the yellow label?
a-Lith X
B- Met-L-X
D-MET-L-X has yellow band
Lith X or Met-L-X:
A-will they function normally in the horizontal or inverted position?
B-will they operating in freezing or temps above 100degrees
C-what is the optimum starting distance for extinguishment
D-when does overhaul begin after use of these extinguishers?
A- will not function normally, to be maintained upright
B-will operate in both temps
C-10’ starting distance for both
D-overhaul should be delayed for metal to cool, may be up to 30 min
structural collapse is defined as any incident where a building or any portion of a building has collapsed or is in danger of collapsing
at a collapse, who ensures a 3 1/2” line is stretched to supply the tower ladder?
2nd engine
at a collapse, does the 1st ladder company have to maintain unit integrity or can they be split?
can be split to cover more ground