Week 8 Flashcards
4 komponen Use case diagram?
- A use case
- an actor
- a use case relationship
- the boundary
2 cara untuk identifikasi use case?
- identify the actors, bagaimana user menggunakan suatu sistem, dan apa yang mereka gunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut.
- identify use cases from scenarios, mendeskripsikan rangkaian interaksi antara user dan sistem untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. scenario mendeskripsikan sebuah urutan tertentu dari events.
advantages dari object oriented development?
- Autonomous, i.e did not depend heavily on other modules
- Cohesive with a single, well – defined purpose
- Easy to understand
- Easily adapted to accommodate new or changed requirement
- Based on data
- Encapsulated data
- A well – define public interface
Information hiding is achieved through?
in activity diagram, the states are?
activities and the transition between them are triggered by the completion of the activity rather than by an external event
activity diagrams show?
the internal flow of control in a process
object in a system has three characteristics?
a. behaviourb. statec. identity
UML singkatan dari
unified modeling language
Use Case model adalah?
sudut pandang user terhadap fungsi dari sebuah sistem. Use case model bertujuan untuk mengorganisasi, menstruktur, dan mendokumentasi informasi yang banyak selama adanya kebutuhan.
2 kategori dari use case description?
- high level description
2. expanded use case