Week 7 Study Guide Flashcards
General Assessment: Tachycardia/Bradycardia
-Tachycardia is normal with exertion and exercise but abnormal at rest
-Could indicate weak heart muscle, pain, fever, inadequate fluid volume
-Bradycardia at rest can be normal in those with good physical condition.
- Can also indicate low CO, be aware of dizziness, SOB, chest pain
General Assessment: Blood pressure
- Reflection of the pressures generated during cardiac cycle.
*Postural hypotension can be indicative of poor CO or decreased blood volume - Influencing factors: amount of blood ejected during systole or CO, resistance to flow in the peripheral vessels, or peripheral vascular resistance
General Assessment: Poor Peripheral Perfusion
Can be noted by pallor (light) or cyanosis (blueish grey) and capillary refill
General Assessment: Edema
- Can indicate a heart problem when it is noted bilaterally (affecting two sides).
- Can be a sign of cardiac or liver issues.
General Assessment: Gender- related concerns
- For awhile it was considered difficult, time consuming, and not worth it to research/investigate problems equally for men and women
- Research was based off of men and then assumed to be the same for women.
- Heart attack: Men S&S= crushing chest pain, radiation down left arm and back. Women S&S= indigestion, jaw pain, fatigue, SOB
General Assessment: Age-related Changes
- Stenosis, stiffening of arterial walls, and fibrotic changes of heart chambers can result in hypertension
- Atherosclerosis (buildup of fats and cholesterol on artery wall) plagues, narrowing of arterial walls can increase the risk of stroke and MI.
- Heart diseases is #1 cause of death in older adults.
- Physical deconditioning can result in atrophy of left ventricle, decreased elasticity of the aorta, rigidity of the valves
- Common cardiovascular age-related changes: hypertension, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, aFib.
Labs: Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BPN)
- Less than 100 pg/mL
- measures degree of stretch in the ventricles- indicates heart failure
Labs: Cardiac Panel
- Contains CK (creatine kinase), CKMB (creatine kinase myocardial bands 0-3 ng/mL), *TROPONIN (< 0.4 ng/mL) (order from least specific to most specific for heart damage, opposite for speed)
- Troponin is specific to heart damage.
- “Serial cardiac panels”: several in a row to determine trends. Usually drawn q4 hrs.
Procedure: Stress Testing
- Evaluating the heart function during increased workload
- No eating or drinking for 4 hours before procedure, no smoking, no caffeine.
Procedure: Angiography & Catheterization
- Advancing catheter through the radial or femoral artery to the heart to directly visualization the vessels of the heart and remove any blockages.
- Risks: Infection & bleeding, clot formation, dysrhythmias
Procedure: Pacemaker Placement
- Surgically implanted device under the skin, near the collarbone to generate electrical signals for the heart
- After surgery: Avoid lifting L arm above shoulder level, keep arm in sling as ordered, no lifting > 5 lbs, monitor for infection, avoid magnetic fields (heavy duty electrical equipment, radio towers), take pulse at least once daily. Usually inserted to treat low heart rate.
- Other considerations: medical-alert bracelet and carry pacemaker information card, report pulses < pacemaker set rate, report and cardiac issues to primary care provider (PCP)
- Used to electrically correct arrhythmias
- Synchronized shock at peak of R wave of QRS complex.
- Patient is awake and aware: shocking is painful. Treat with with anxiolytics, sedatives, or pain meds prior if possible.
- Pads placed anterior/posterior on clean, dry, hair-free skin
- Unsynchronized shock that resets a non-perfusing rhythm and brings back a stable, perfusing rhythm
- Used on pulseless patients (cardiac arrest)
- Pads placed on anterior/posterior on clean,, dry, hair-free skin
- Steps in defibrillation: turn on machine, place the paddles/pads select energy level, ALL CLEAR, deliver shock
- AED is similar, choose energy, announces on its own all clear, delivers shock automatically
Transcutaneous Pacing
- Using the same pads of our defibrillator machines to provide external pacemaking triggers to a patients heart
- Typically used for symptomatic bradycardia and heart blocks
- Constant monitoring of rhythm with a 5-lead EKG monitor.
- Provides rate and rhythm information, but not detailed electrical and conduction information like a 12-lead EKG
- Nurse delegates to a tele tech (CNA with training)
- 12-lead snapshot of the heart. A quick picture of the electrical conduction of the entire heart from multiple ‘angles’
EKG Interpretation: Normal Sinus Rhythm
Pulseless Electrical Activity
- Electrical system working fine at the moment, but the heart isn’t responding to it
- Potential causes: hypoxia, hypovolemia, altered potassium levels, Tamponade, MI
- Cardiac arrest, no pulse> CPR, Epinephrine, treat underlying cause