Week 7 Kaizen Flashcards
DMAIC – Define
Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control – the five phases of Six Sigma
What is a Sensei?
- A Sensei is a teacher who has mastered the skill and possesses leadership attributes
- A sensei is not only a good leader, but a good listener who facilitates kaizen events
What is Kaizen?
• Kaizen is taking apart and making better
- continuous improvement
- It takes project management techniques to facilitate the process and we make the changes.
14 rules for Kaizen
1) open mind
2) positive
3) blameless
4) nonjudgemental thinking
5) Aware of multiple alternatives
6) Respect others as you want to be respected
7) Involve everyone
8) No rank
9) create team
10) no dumb question
11) bias for action
12) creativity before capital
13) no silent disagreement
14) “nuf”
4 phases of team evolution
1) Forming
2) Storming
3) Norming
4) Performing
Kickoff high ranking official input
- Thank people for attending, time and energy for the week.
- Acknowledge support of the team’s decision because it’s focused on observation, data collection and consensus.
- Facilitator has executives cell phone
- Looking forward to report out on Friday
go to gemba means and go to see where the value is.
Waste walk
Sheet of paper with DOWNTIME written down left side of paper. Record as you go examples of each of the 8 wastes.
Kaizen day 1 of 5 - order
Kickoff with exec. good news check-in 14 rules record expectations dive into core lean tools (review tools) close with check-in
Kaizen day 2 of 5 - order everyday
check-in review 14 rules and expectations dive into data collection tools training go out to the floor as time allows start implementation - identify the constraint or issue - get to the root cause - brainstorm potential solutions - select from those solutions
Kaizen day 2 - data collection
It’s very important to be process-focused, but data-driven. Avoid opinions. Expert facilitators for Kaizen events should learn the difference and direct the team accordingly.
- practice in classroom on data collection
- root cause
- data, data, data
- same data collection methods as used elsewhere in the company
Kaizen day 2 - brainstorming
• Don’t let more assertive members dominate the conversation
• You may need to pull ideas from the less assertive team members
• Encourage piggybacking
- Introduce this idea on Day 1
- Piggybacking on others wild ideas is where the great ideas come from
Kaizen day 2 - selecting solutions
simple two-by-two box that says “Ease of Implementation” across the top and “Impact on the Goals” down the left side it says.
Kaizen day 3 - continue two items
Depending on the timing of the activities from Tuesday, participants may actually have started this process on Tuesday and are continuing it into Wednesday� The goal from here on out is to get in as many cycles of brainstorm, select, implement, and measure as possible� The group needs to get as many of those cycles in as they can between Wednesday and toward the end of the day on Thursday�
Kaizen day 3 - 3 more things
- ask the right questions
- 30 day action item list
- Wednesday chaos
Kaizen day 3 - storming
The kaizen event facilitator needs to understand when to let that tension be, because it is helping the creativity. However, when it is actually starting to tear the team down, the facilitator needs to recognize that and have the team take a break.
Kaizen day 4 - like each day we…
- good news check-in
- 14 rules of Kaizen
- check expectations
- then, implement, measure, refine
Kaizen day 4 - 3 more things
- standardize, standardize, standardize
- document your training
- develop a process audit plan
Kaizen day 5
- Preparation
- reporting out to management
- celebrating our success
Kaizen day 5 - preparation
Thursday, be sure the standard work is in place
Be sure training is done.
Be sure we celebrate
Kaizen day 5 - Facilitator
Facilitator goes to Gemba
Kaizen day 5 - Characteristics of the report
brief intro
presentation by team mates (own and practice)
team members Q&A
Facilitator takes back seat
Presentation is chance for the tea to show off
Kaizen after the report
- Follow-up meeting
- Bring team back together in a couple weeks
- Review the sustainment
- See if there’s any assistance needed on 30 day action items.
Kaizen where apply 5 lean principals…
1) define value
2) map value stream
3) create flow
4) establish pull
5) pursue perfection
Kaizen steps to getting started
- work with leadership
- follow tools diligently through project selection
- select an area
- observe the focus area
- select the team (work with managers)
- issue invitations
Kaizen TOC (theory of constraint)
Theory of constraints, can easily identify a constraint, that point in the process that sets the pace for everything else.
- it’s the place where it takes longer to get through
- waste of waiting
- conduct Kaizen here.
Root cause - 5 why’s
5 why's root cause analysis; example why we made a defect why part wasn't print whydiameter too small why tool broke why we dont have preventive maintenance (ahha)
Root cause - ishikawa fishbone
take general problem
each of 6 M’s for sources of variation
man, machine, material, method, measurement, mother nature
Root cause - A3 (paper it was done on)
book, paschal, getting it done - id gap - brainstorm causes, potential causes - brainstorm corrective actions - implement, then cycle again go round and round
Tools for tension
- Crayons
- Fish?
- Video, who moved my cheese, spencer johnson
- Pause to see, am I being resistant to change?
Core lean tools, lean 101
Training across organization about what lean is all about.
Kaizen, Train in depth on tools
Quick changeover
Kanban systems
Go see (no suggestions until we understand)
Waste walk (collect information (DOWNTIME) record each waste)
Kaizen cycle of implementation
- identify constraint
- get to the root cause
- brainstorm solutions
- select the solution
- implement the solution
- circle back
data driven, “in God we trust, for everything else there’s data” we must be process focused, no opinion.
“where can we get data to support that opinion?”
Kaizen data
Collect baseline data but understand data and observation variation
Kaizen 2x2 box
a: easy low
b: hard high impact
c: easy low impact
d: hard low
Observe process ahead of time
Observe the process as leader yourself ahead of time. Use this to ask the right questions, why, why, and other questions. Also, get outside resources ready and available.
Kaizen Day 3
Lead the team into the storm. Rely on process, 14 rules, Thursday will resolved.
Storming is okay.
check in end of day on day 3, don’t look for warm fuzzies that day.
Kaizen Day 4
measure effectiveness of solutions
data collection
implement, measure, refine - repeat, make improvements of the day.
brings team together from day 3, wednesday
consistent measurement
Kaizen day 4
- start to list things outside what we can address, here’s -
future opportunities. - standardize, standardize, standardize…
- document training
- use pictures
- tell why (use people closest to work)
Kaizen day 4
look back at what you got done
how’d we do to our expectations
Kaizen day 5
- Report out to the top level executives
- Reflect back to the team
- Watch executive response
- Plan to celebrate
- Friday afternoon off (they’ve been working late)