Week 7 Inventories Flashcards
What are inventories?
Inventories are assets which are:
- Held for sale in ordinary course of business
- In the process of production for such sale
- In the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or rendering of services.
What type of inventory do retail businesses hold?
For retail businesses, inventory comprises finished goods that are ready to be sold on to consumers, without modification.
What types of inventory do manufacturing business hold?
Raw materials
Work in Progress
Finished Goods
What is the dual effect inventory has in financial statements?
Current Asset in the Statement of Financial position
Cost of Sales in the Income statement
How is cost of sales calculated?
Opening inventory + purchased - closing inventory
What is Opening inventory
Goods held the start of the accounting period and normally sold within the same period.
No longer an asset therefore matched against revenues for the period, determining profit.
What is closing inventory?
Unsold goods at the end of the period must be included within current assets and shown as a deduction from cost of sales.
What are the elements that comprise the inventory value figure?
How is inventory value calculated?
Quantity * Valuation
If inventory will be sold at a profit how should it be valued at by the business?
It should be valued at cost (do not anticipate a profit)
If inventory is expected to be sold at a loss how should ti be valued by the business?
It should be valued at net realisable value (provide for future loss)
What is net realisable value?
The net selling proceeds after all completion / selling costs have been deducted.
Estimated selling price -estimated costs of completion -estimated selling/distribution costs.
What are the two theoretical methods for estimating cost of inventory?
First in, first out.
Weighted average cost.
How does First in first out estimate cost of inventory?
It assumes that first goods purchased/produced will be the first to be sold.
Remaining inventories are from the most recent purchases/production.
How does weighted average cost calculate estimate the cost of inventory.
The weighted average of the cost of similar items is recalculated each time a new item is purchased/produced during the period.