Week 7 - Inequality and Redistribution Flashcards
What does the Lorenz curve show?
Inequality where it shows a graph of % total income that bottom x% of households have.
E.g. bottom 20% of households might have only 5% of income
Draw a lorenz curve?
X axis - share of populaton
Y axis - share of income
/ 45 deg line of complete equality
Lorenze curve bowed underneath
What is the Gini coefficient and what does it show?
It is a used measure of inequality
Area A÷(A+B)
What is the Gini coefficient of complete equality?
It would be a Gini of 0
What is the Gini of complete inequality?
Gini coefficient of 1 meaning only one person has all the income.
Label A and B on a lorenz curve?
A above the bowed curve and below the 45 degree line.
B is the area underneath the bowed line.
What does a more bowed Lorenz curve show?
It shows higher inequality
Why does inequality exists?
-Differences in non-labour (capital) income
–Savings and borrowing behaviour
Differences in labour income
–Human capital, both innate and acquired (education)
–Effort and ambition
And perhaps some luck as well
–Did I win the lottery?
–Did I get sick?
Wealth distribution is more unequal than income distribution so capital income more unequal than labour income
What are some forms of redistribution?
Taxes (progressive taxes) and welfare benefits
Pensions for the elderly
Free or subsidised education and health
Why do we redistribute and see it as important?
Provides social insurance against being sick, losing your job, getting old.
There are externalities from poverty
-people who cannot afford to educate their children
-people care about others wellbeing
-may harm economic growth
What are the three goals with welfare redistribution programmes?
-Raise the living standards of low income families
-Provide incentives to work
-Keep costs low
What is the problem/conflict between these three goals? (the iron triangle).
It is difficult if not impossible to improve one goal without worsening them in another.
Draw the difference between the diagram of no welfare state and with a welfare state?
X axis - market income
Y axis - Final income
Without / 45 degrees
With less steep line
What is a net recipient from a programme?
Everyone whose final income is higher than their market income. These people are ones above the 45 degree line
What are these people called?
Everyone whose final income is higher than their market income. These people are ones above the 45 degree line
Net recipients
What is a net contributor of a programme?
Everyone with a final income below the market income