Week 7 - IHL Flashcards
What is ‘Equality of Belligerents’? (2)
1) All parties to an armed conflict must always comply with their IHL obligations
2) API Preamble
What is ‘Non-reciprocity of humanitarian obligations’? (3)
1) IHL must be respected even if violated by adversary
2) Common Art 1;
3) CIHL Rule 1
What 2 principles does IHL balance?
1) Military Necessity (Art 35(1) API)
2) Humanity
What is the principle of ‘Distinction’? (4)
1) Belligerents must distinguish between civilians and combatants and civilian objects and military objectives
2) only the latter must be targetted
3) Art 48 API
4) Rules 1 and 7 CIHL
What are the 2 elements of the principle of ‘Precaution’¨?
1) Precautions in attack (Art 57 API)
2) Precautions against the effects of attack (Art 58 API)
What is the principle of ‘Proportionality’? (4)
1) Attacks must not excessively cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury or damage to civilian objects in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated
2) Arts 51(5) and 57 API
3) CIHL Rules 14, 18 and 19
4) only relevant for attacks directed against lawful targets
What is the principle of ‘Unnecessary Suffering’ (3)
1) Weapons and methods of warfare cauing unnecessary suffering are prohibited
2) Art 35(2) API
3) CIHL Rule 70
What is the principle of ‘Humane Treatment’?
1) Persons not taking active part in hostilities shall in all circumstances be treated humanely without discrimination
2) Common Art 3(1)
3) CIHL Rules 87 and 88
What are the most important sources applying to IACs? (4)
1) 1949 Geneva Conventions I-IV
2) Additional Protocol I
3) Specific Weapons Treaties (e.g. Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons)
4) Customary IHL
What is an IAC? (2)
1) International Armed Conflict
2) armed conflict between 2 or more States
What is a NIAC? (3)
1) Non-International Armed Conflict
2) they may be transnational
3) between States and Non-Governmental Armed Groups or between such groups only
What are the most important sources applying to NIAC? (3)
1) Common Art 3
2) Additional Protocol II
3) Customary IHL
What is the status of Common Article 3? (2)
1) applies to ALL armed conflict as CIHL
2) Military and Paramilitary Activities
What is the difference between jus ad bellum and IHL? (2)
1) jus ad bellum: regulates when resort to use of force is lawful
2) regulates armed conflict once arisen
What are 3 points of difference between IHL and HRL?
1) Territorial Scope
- IHL: territories of belligerents and where forces meet
- HRL: only territory controlled by State
2) Scope of protection
- IHL: no enforceable individual rights; protects objects; binds armed groups
- HRL: individually enforceable rights and binds only states
3) Derogability:
- IHL: no derogation
- HRL: derogation but applies in peacetime
What happens when HRL and IHL apply to same situation?
1) may mutually reinforce if convergent
2) where contradiction, IHL applies as lex specialis (Legality of Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons)
What are the largest issues for IHL today? (3)
1) Asymmetric Conflict straints non-reciprocity and equality of belligerents
2) Remote-controlled drones: inability to capture rather than kill
3) Cyber warfare: what amounts to an ‘attack’ (Art 49(1) API)
What are the 2 types of ‘Law’ in IHL? (3)
1) Hague Law: means and methods of warfare
2) Geneva Law. protection of individuals not particpating in fighting
3) API and APII blur the distinction