Week 7-An Introduction to Forensic Psychology Flashcards
What are 6 Myths about Forensic Psychology?
- Forensic Psychology is the same as forensic science
- As a Forensic Psychologist, most of your time is spent on crime scenes
- All Forensic Psychologists are profilers
- Forensic Psychologists solve criminal cases
- As a Forensic Psychologist, you will only work with the most serious and dangerous offenders
- Forensic Psychology is glamorous/exciting
What is Forensic Psychology?
-“Forensis” meaning “of or before the forum” (i.e., the place where Roman trials were conducted)
-At the intersection of psychology, legal systems and criminal justice
-Any application of psychological knowledge or methods to the legal system
-Deals with evidence, witnesses, and the courts (legal psychology), and understanding/reducing criminal behaviour (criminological psychology)
There was initial interest in the reliability of EWTs in the 19th/20th century. This has evolved into a much wider field, but what current issues have become key debates?
-The reliability of child witness testimony
-The accuracy of recovered memories - and occurrence of false memories
-Biases in jury selection and the jury decision-making process
-Effectiveness of interviewing techniques and false confessions
-Whether lie detection should be used in forensic settings (e.g., polygraphs)
-“nature” versus “nurture” perspectives on criminal behaviours
-“What works” in offender rehabilitation
What aspects are involved in Forensic Psychology?
-Victims of crime
-Criminal Investigation/Police Psychology
-The Law & Legislation
-Rehabilitation/Treatment of Offenders
-Criminological Psychology (Crime & Offending Behaviour)
-The Legal Court/Judiciary Process
What are some Roles and remits of Forensic Psychology? Pt1
-Psychological assessment in the criminal justice system
-Acting as an expert witness/advisor in court
-Risk assessments for the parole board process and attendance at parole board hearings
-Piloting and implementing treatment programmes for offenders
-Delivery/facilitation of offender treatment
-Supporting the recovery of crime victims or family members
-Supporting staff working with offender populations
What are some Roles and remits of Forensic Psychology? Pt2
-Crime analysis and offender profiling
-Advising police forces on interviewing techniques
-Act as consultants/advisors to key organisations (i.e., Police; Home Office; Prison/Probation Service; CPS)
-Train other Forensic Psychologists
-Conduct applied research into Forensic Psychology issues
-Carrying out research to support policy and practice
True or false: Forensic Psychologists are involved at all stages of the criminal justice process
What locations can Forensic Psychologists work in?
-HM Prisons (HMP) or privately operated/owned prisons (i.e., G4S, Serco, Sodexo)
-National Probation Service (NPS)
-Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs)
-Forensic Mental Health Settings/Services and Hospitals (e.g., Broadmoor, Ashworth)
-Private Consultancy
-Academia, i.e., Academic Departments & Research Centres within Universities
-Third sector organisations (Charities)
What is Forensic Psychology in the UK?
-90% of FPs in the UK are employed by HMPPS (or privately run prisons).
-Group-based Offender Behavioural Programmes (i.e., Thinking Skills Programme (TSP); Alcohol-Related Violence (ARV); Horizon; Building Better Relationships (BBR), etc.).
-Some individual psychological/therapeutic work with offenders
-Completion of risk assessment reports (either for parole or court hearings).
-Training of staff/supporting staff wellbeing
What is Evidence-based policing?
Understanding “what works” to reduce crime and disorder to make the most efficient use of police resources
-Hot Spot Policing
-Longer or more frequent patrols?
-Effectiveness of Body Worn Cameras
What is Interviewing suspects?
-Long and winding path of interrogations of suspects throughout the 20th century, including dark pages like the MK Ultra Program
-Alternative proposals based on humanistic psychology and rapport-based methods
-Observing Rapport Based Interpersonal Techniques, ORBIT
-Potential for false confessions (e.g., Reid Technique)
-Interviewing vulnerable suspects (e.g., intellectual disabilities, juveniles)
-Psychological impact of techniques on suspects
-Lie detection (e.g., polygraphs)
What is Offender Profiling?
-Using information at the crime scene (where, when and how) to build a characterisation of the possible perpetrator (personality, behavioural tendencies, demographic variables).
Different approaches, views and practises:
-Investigative or clinical experience - like the FBI approach
-Statistics and research - Investigate Psychology
What is Geographical profiling?
-Uses the locations of a connected series of crime sites to determine the most probable area of an offenders’ residence
-Helps target resources
-Validity and accuracy
-Data and assumptions
What are some Missing people and human trafficking statistics?
-320,715 incidents reported in 2018-19 in England and Wales
-199, 634 incidents including children
-Cost £700 million per year (underestimation)
-10, 627 potential victims of modern-day slavery in the UK referred to the National Referral Mechanism 2019 (NCA, 2020)
What do Forensic Psychologists do in the area of Missing people and human trafficking?
-Look at reasons why people go missing/types of missing people
-Risk assessment factors and practises
-Look at the spatial patterns in people’s behaviour
-Optimisation of appeals for missing people (cognitive processes, memory)