Week 7 Flashcards
Lots of water in and lots of piss out
Less than 500mL/day or 30mL/hr of piss
kidney damage
Types of pee incontinence
Stress: cough, laugh, sneeze
Urge: Urgent need, unable to stop
Mixed: Urge + stress
Overflow: Prostate issue, neurogenic bladder issue (hard to pee)
involuntary peeing
Newborn defecation
Meconium (black and tarry)
Defecation issues to look out for in older adults
Decreased activity
Decreased fluid and fiber intake
Muscle weakness
Types of laxatives
Bulk forming (increases mass)
Osmotic/saline (draws water into intestine, stim. peristalsis)
Simulant: Irritates mucosa causing rapid propulsion
Stool softener
Impaction removal (disimpactions
If indicated get a second person to comfort client
Client assumes right or left side lying position, knees flexed
Disposable absorbent under client’s butt
Drape client for comfort
Glove and lube finger
insert index finger
Loosen stool by massaging around it then break it into parts
Work stool downwards
Clean area then provide bedpan or commode
Which side does someone lay on that gravity helps feces removal
Right side, due to sigmoid colon being up
Which side allows easier sigmoid colon acces
Partial: flatus and minor soil
Major: Cant control poops
Stages of illness behavior
Symptom experience
Assumption of sick role
Medical care contact
Dependent client role
stages of health behavior change
precontemplation (6 months)
contemplation (acknowledges there’s a problem)
Preparation (starts to get ready to change within next month)
Action (active implementation)
Nurse’s role in health promotion
Model healthy lifestyle behaviors and attitudes
Nursing process and health promotion
Holistic assessment
Diagnoses: “expresses desire to enhance” etc.
Planning: pretty obvious
Implementing: Client actually sticking to plan
Short term and long term goals