Week 7 Flashcards
Planet of the apes, and Chaper 17&18
How does the music in the “flight” scene in Psycho play out?
play her fear at being caught
as she changes, music seems to play her fall to the “dark” side
What kind of music is playing in the theft scene in Psycho? What is the significance of this?
short, repetitive
quiet, unsettled - discomfort with theft
music becomes intense as she decides to take the money
how are themes different in Pyscho than in Laura or Robin Hood?
it’s a lot more dissonant, agitated, not hummable
darker tones
What kind of music is playing in the Norman theme in Psycho?
two semitones (notes side by side on a piano) played in variety of ranges - extremes of range speaks to the character of Norman. semitones are unsettling & creepy "white tone" as Norman spies on Marion so show no emotion - this is from a violin. cold, devoid of feeling, harmonics in strings
What year did Psycho release?
Who is the director of Psycho? Composer?
Hitchcock / Bernard Herrman
What is the significance of the shower scene music? when does music come in? whose theme as the murderer flees the scene?
no music until the attack
no tonality - strings “shriek” - aggressive bowing downwards of violin
Norman’s theme plays as the murderer flees the scene
when did Bernard Herrman and Alfred Hitchcock part ways?
during filming of Torn Curtain
Where did B Herrman go after splitting with Hitchcock? What was his last movie?
Europe, to Fahrenheit 451 (1966)
Last movie - Taxi Driver (1975)
What are the emphases in the 1970s for film music?
young people - baby boomers
youth culture
Elmer Bernstein was a student of which composer?
Aaron Copland
What was the style of melodies that Copland did in his youth vs as he ages?
in his youth: dissonance, atonality
as he grows up: clear melodies - folk song influence. strong rhythms, syncopation / incorporates sound of American west/ American Nationalism
T/F Copland was a concert hall musician
Magnificent Seven year of release?
Composer of Magnificent Seven?
Elmer Bernstein
What does versatility have to do with the 1960s/1970s?
new generation of composers capable of working in a number of styles
end of studio system leads to freelancing
What is the difference at the end of the studio system?
freelancing begins
production companies still exist but all they do is make movies, they dont have anything to do with distribution of movies and they dont own movie theathres
T/F the 1960s is a peaceful period in American history. elaborate
- civil rights
- Vietnam
- generational gap
explain the relationship between generational and vietnam war?
baby boomers didnt just want an authority figure to tell them “yes do this”, baby boomers needed concrete explanations as to why the government did things.
US was trying to send of baby boomers to war, and most baby boomers didnt even want to go to war
US found itself in a place where it had not been before - a large group of people questioned if the government was doing what was best for the people
Vietnam war was a war that no one really understood why the US was there because they weren’t a communist country and the US was losing………bad