Week 6 - Quantitative and qualitative measurement Flashcards
why measure?
- Measurement also extends our senses. The astronomer or biologist uses the telescope or the microscope to extend natural vision.
- In contrast to our senses, scientific measurement is more sensitive, varies less with the specific observer, and yields more exact information.
5 reasons to measure
- Social measures provide information about social reality.
- Measurement helps people observe what is otherwise invisible.
- It lets us observe things that were once unseen and unknown but were predicted by theory.
- Some of the things a social researcher is interested in measuring are easy to see (e.g., age, sex, skin colour), but most cannot be directly observed (e.g., attitudes, ideology, divorce rates, deviance, sex roles).
- Things that are easy to see are open to interpretation
One different between quant and qual is…
-One difference between the two styles involves timing: quantitative researchers think about variables and convert them into specific actions during a planning stage. Measurement for qualitative researchers occurs during the data collection process
The second difference is..
-A second difference involves the data themselves: quantitative researchers develop techniques that can produce quantitative data. Thus, the researcher moves from abstract ideas to specific data collection techniques to precise numerical information. Data for qualitative researchers sometimes are in the form of numbers; more often, they include written or spoken words, actions, sounds, symbols, physical objects, or visual images (e.g., maps, photographs, videos).
A third difference is…
-A third difference is how measurements link data to concepts in the two styles of research. Quantitative researchers construct measurement techniques that bridge concepts and data. Qualitative researchers reexamines and reflects on the data and concepts simultaneously and interactively during the research process.
Quantitative researchers follow…
-a deductive route. They begin with the abstract idea, follow with a measurement procedure, and end with empirical data that represent the ideas
Qualitative researchers follow…
-Qualitative researchers primarily follow an inductive route. They begin with empirical data, follow with abstract ideas, relate ideas and data, and end with a mixture of ideas and data
-is the process of developing clear, rigorous, systematic conceptual definitions for abstract ideas or concepts.
- The main point is that conceptualization requires that you become very clear and state what you mean explicitly for others to see.
- conceptual definition is a careful, systematic definition of a construct that is explicitly written to clarify one’s thinking. It is often linked to other concepts or theoretical statements
- Operationalization is the process of moving from the conceptual definition of a concept to a set of specific activities or measures that allow a researcher to observe it empirically
- Operational definition: The definition of a variable in terms of the specific activities to measure or indicate it with empirical evidence.
- Operationalization links the language of theory with the language of empirical measures.
The three levels to consider (in order) for the measurement process for quantitative research
- conceptual
- operational
- empirical
Conceptual hypothesis
-At the most abstract level, the researcher is interested in the causal relationship between two concepts, or a conceptual hypothesis
Conceptual hypothesis
-At the most abstract level, the researcher is interested in the causal relationship between two concepts, or a conceptual hypothesis
Empirical hypothesis
-At the level of operational definitions, the researcher is interested in testing an empirical hypothesis to determine the degree of association between indicators.
The third level
-This is the level at which correlations, statistics, questionnaires, and the like are used. The third level is the concrete logically linked to a concept (e.g., racial discrimination), they will capture what happens in the empirical social world and relate it to the conceptual level.
Quantitative conceptual hypothesis
-is a type of hypothesis in which the researcher expresses variables in abstract, conceptual terms and expresses the relationship among variables in a theoretical way