Week 6: Psychological Theories of Crime Flashcards
What are the main psychological/psychiatric theories?
Cognitive Theories including: Moral development, Cognitive Information Processing Theory
Personality Theories including personality disorders and the Five Factor Model
Psychiatric Theories: Mental illness, frustration aggression theories, attachment theories
Behaviour Theories: conditioning and modeling
Criminogenic needs/domains: Risk Factors and Protective factors
What are the (5) main assumptions of Psychological theories?
- The individual is the primary unit of analysis, what matters is internal factors, not necessarily external factors.
- Personality and mental processes are the source of our motives and drives and should therefore be the primary focus of study
- Crime is the result of abnormal, dysfunctional, or inappropriate mental processes
- Crime behaviour may address a felt need even if ti breaks social rules and standards.
- Defective/abnormal mental processes can have many causes: disease, inappropriate learning, inner conflicts, etc.
How is inappropriate/abnormal behaviour defined under psychological theories?
Abnormal/inappropriate behaviour is defined as behaviour that is condemned by the social group that the individual belongs to. The larger society creates norms, and community standards as well as definitions of legality and criminality. Essentially normal is defined by social consensus and abnormal is a violation of this agreement.
What are the two major ideas which characterize psychological theories?
Personality: the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that make a person unique and that tend to remain stable over time. Personality influences our thoughts, behaviours, and emotions.
Behaviorism: a psychological perspective that stresses observable behaviour and disregards unobservable events that occur in the mind.
What are cognitive theories?
Cognitive theories are theories which examine thought processes and how people learn to solve problems. Specifically, how people’s mental processes develop around values and morality.
Two primary cognitive theories for criminology are Moral Development Theory and Cognitive information processing theory.
What is Moral Development theory?
A cognitive theory which states that moral reasoning develops throughout childhood and into adolescence. This moral reasoning affects our problem solving abilities, values system, and overall morality.
If moral development does not take place in the formative years, it is difficult to develop later.
What are Piaget’s 4 stages of intellectual development?
- Sensory Motor - ego centrism and learning through physical touch
- Pre-operational - magical thinking, weakened ego centrism, unable to think rationally
- concrete operational - developing reasoning and logical thinking. No longer egocentric.
- Formal operational stage - capable of abstract reasoning
What is Cognitive Information processing theory?
A cognitive theory which states that how we interpret and process information affects our behaviour. If a “violent” person interprets and processes info with faulty perceptions and assumptions, they are more likely to react aggressively.
e.g. A person bumps into you on the street. An average person might think “oh they must have been distracted and didn’t see where they were going” i.e. interpret it as a harmless accident. However a person with faulty perceptions might interpret it as an intentional insult that threatens their dignity. They feel like they have to react in order to assert their dominance. i.e. it was an intentional act that warrants a reaction (likely an escalated one)
What are scripts and which theory do they relate to?
Scripts are related to Cognitive information processing theory.
Scripts affect how we interpret and process the world around us, they are based on our expectations and assumptions. Criminal scripts can lead to the formation of a criminal identity (i.e. the scripts affect our behaviour which affects our identity.)
From a rehabilitative lens, these scripts are what need to be addressed in order to change a person’s behaviour. For example, if a person has a script that tells them the world is out to get them, they are always going to respond defensively and aggressively. In order to change their defensive and aggressive behaviour, we need to change the script.
How does mental illness relate to crime?
Although a significant emphasis must be put on the fact that mental illness is not synonymous with criminality, certain mental states can cause criminal or anti-social behaviour in a person who would not behave in such a way if they had the proper treatment. For example, psychosis and mania (from psychological disorders like Bi-polar or schizophrenia) can potentially lead to criminal behaviour.
What is the difference between mental disorders and mental illness?
THERE ISN’T ONE…. but the prof seems to think that illnesses are treatable and not related to criminality while disorders are less treatable and associated with criminality. Again, cannot emphasize enough how FALSE this is but she was very specific on this point, no matter how wrong she is.
What is the overall concept of behavioural conditioning theory and how does it relate to criminology?
Behavioural Conditioning theory comes from Pavlov and his conditioning of dogs with bells. The main idea is that behaviour can be shaped by rewards and punishments because people prefer pleasure to and avoid pain. Undesirable behaviour can be reduced with punishment and desirable behaviour can be encouraged with rewards.
Conditioning theory suggests that people behave criminally because they have been conditioned into the behaviour some how.
Who is Tarde and what are his main contributions?
Tarde was an early criminologist who rejected Lombroso’s biological theories.
He suggested that people pattern their behaivour after the beahviour of the people around them, especially people who they had close intimate contact with (e.g. parents, friends etc.)
Tarde was the beginning of social learning theories in criminology.
What is Bandura’s social learning theory?
Bandura’s social learning theory suggests that our behaviour is shaped by role models who allow us to observe, imitate, and model our behaviour after. We learn from others what behaviour is rewarded and has desirable outcomes and what behaviour is punished and has undesirable outcomes.
How did Bandura explain aggression?
According to Bandura, our life experiences teach us about aggression. Watching other people be aggressive normalizes aggression.
Likewise, aggression can also be used as tool (e.g. it can be a protective response that produces a reward - i.e. if you behave aggressively to keep people away, it is rewarded in that people will often avoid you if you are aggressive.)