Week 6 (Obstruction, Restriction and Respiratory Failure) Flashcards
Types of acute respiratory failure
Type I: Hypoxemia: PaO2 <60 mmHg; FIO2 >50%
Type II: Hypercapnia: PaCO2 >50 mmHg; pH < 7.35
Causes of hypoxemic (Type I) respiratory failure
Ventilation/perfusion mismatch (common): high V/Q (deadspace ventilation: pulmonary embolism?), low V/Q (intrapulmonary shunt: chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, bronchiectasis, CF, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary edema, pneumonia, cancer, pulmonary hemorrhage, lymphangitic spread of lung cancer, foreign body obstruction, mucous plugging, pneumothorax)
Shunt: blood shunts past/bypasses alveoli as it flows from right to left heart (intracardiac shunt from heart disease vs. intrapulmonary shunts: fluid-filled alveoli collapsed alveoli, tumor-filled alveoli, obstructed airways (listed above))
Hypoventilation: filure to ventilate causes increase in PaCO2 and causes hypoxemia
Diffusion impairment (uncommon): greater barrier to O2 transport between alveoli and blood (pulmonary edema) or greater distance for O2 to travel between alveoli and RBC (dilation of vessels)
Low PO2 (altitude)
Reduced mixed venous blood
Combinations of the above
Calculating alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient
P(A-a)O2 = PAO2 - PaO2
PAO2 = PIO2 - (PACO2/R) + F (subtracts gas exchange from inspired air; this is the alveolar air equation)
PAO2 = 150 - PaCO2/0.8
Normal PAO2 = age/3
Diagnosis for acute respiratory failure
If normal P(A-a)O2 (alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient), then low PO2 caused by hypoventilation
If high P(A-a)O2 (alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient), then give 100% O2, and if PaO2 increases then low V/Q (most common cause of arterial hypoxemia) and if no change after giving 100% O2 then shunting (high V/Q?; perfusion without ventilation)
Clinical causes of acute respiratory failure
Acute pulmonary edema
Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Massive PE
Acute severe asthma
Exacerbation of COPD
Drug induced lung injury (DILI)
Acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP)
Fulminant pneumonia
Causes of pulmonary edema
Cardiogenic: L heart failure, CHF
Non-cardiogenic: ARDS
Note: fluid accumulates in interstitial space and then goes into alveoli
Definition of ARDS
Acute onset
Ratio of PaO2/FIO2 <200 <!--= 200 </strong--><!--= 200 </strong-->(or if between 200-300, then acute lung injury)<!--= 200 (or if betwween</p-->
PCWP not elevated (<18 mmHg)
Bilateral lung opacification
Pathophysiology of ARDS
Exudative/inflammatory phase: direct or indirect injury (circulating inflammatory mediators) to pulmonary endothelial and epithelial cells leading to alveolar-capillary membrane leak and release of proinflammatory mediators; accumulation of PMNs followed by mononuclear cells
Fibroproliferative phase: chronic inflammatory cells (macrophages) continue to release cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors; angiogenesis and deposition of extra-cellular matrix; finally have fibrosis; stiff non-compliant lung with atelectasis and edema
Exudative phase (1-4 days): alveolar and interstitial edema; capillary congestion; type I alveolar cells destroyed; early hyaline membrane formation
Proliferateive phase (3-10 days): increased type II alveolar cells; cellular infiltrates of alveolar septum; organization of hyaline membranes
Fibrotic phase (>7-10 days): fibrosis of hyaline membranes and alveolar septum; alveolar duct fibrosis
Summary of time table: edema then hyaline membranes then interstitial inflammation and interstitial fibrosis
Causes of ARDS
Pneumonia (community acquired, nosocomial, aspiration)
Trauma (contusion)
Cardiopulmonary bypass
Fat embolism
Drug OD
Toxic inhalation
Acute pancreatitis
Blood transfusions
Obstetric/surgical crisis
Prognosis for ARDS
Recovery 25%
Lasting impairment (fibrosis)
Death 40-50%
Treatment for ARDS
Fluid management (crucial; controversial; avoid over-hydration)
Supplemental oxygen avoiding oxygen toxicity (avoid high FiO2)
Intubation and mechanical ventilation (volume vs. pressure cycled ventilation; positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP))
Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
Makes sure alveolar presure never gets down to 0; always have some positive pressure in the alveoli to keep them open
Benefits: recruit collapsed or unstable alveoli, improves oxygenation by reducing shunt, increases FRC, improves compliance, shifts but does NOT reduce edema
Adverse effects: decreases CO becauseincreased intrathoracic pressure means decreased venous return (–> hypotension –> decreased delivery of O2 to tissues), over-inflation, increased VD/VT, barotrauma
Alveolar ventilation equation
Assuming PACO2 = PaCO2
PaCO2 = 863 x VCO2/VA
Acute ventilatory failure
Not ventilating/getting rid of CO2 well enough!
PAO2 supposed to be 100 mmHg but is decreased
PACO2 supposed to be 40 mmHg but is increased
Causes of acute hypercapnic (Type II) respiratory failure
Lung disease: asthma, emphysema, COPD, pneumonia, pneumothorax, pulmonary contusion, hemothorax, ARDS
Cardiovascular disease: pulmonary edema, stroke, arrhythmia, CHF, valvular heart disease
Respiratory muscle disease: fatigue, drug intoxication (morphine, benzodiazepines, alcohol), neurological disease
Note: only way to tell you have failure to ventilate is to measure arterial PaCO2 because could have dead space ventilation(unless person is visibly not breathing)
Clinical physiology: chronic hypercapnia (Type II)
Chronic respiratory get increased PaCO2
Renal retention of HCO3-
Active transport of HCO3- across BBB
Increased CSF buffering capacity
Reduced central sensitivity to CO2
Obstructive ventilatory defect
FEV1/FVC <70%
FEV1 tells you severity (>80% is mild; 50-80% is moderate; 30-50% is severe; <30% is very severe)
Restrictive ventilatory defect
Low FVC and high FEV1/FVC (shouldn’t be less than 70%, or else would be obstructive) are suggestive
TLC <80% confirms
TLC for severity (65-80% is mild; 50% is moderate; <50% is severe)
Impairment in gas exchange
Low DLCO <75-80%
DLCO for severity (60%+ is mild; 40-60% is moderate; <40% is severe)
Not well defined how to grade severity, but <40% considered severe
Approach to diagnosis of restrictive lung disease
1) Chest wall disease: anatomic or functional
2) Pleural disease
3) Lung tissue loss: anatomical or functional
4) Diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD)
5) Extrapulmonary
Chest wall abnormalities
Ankylosing spondylitis
Flail chest
Neuromuscular disease (ALS, myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barre, spinal cord injury, etc)
Pleural disease
Pleural effusion
Thickened pleura (fibrothorax, mesothelioma, etc)
Loss of lung tissue
Anatomic or functional
Surgical resection
Airway obstruction with atelectasis (tumor, mucous, foreign body, extrinsic compression, etc)
Diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD)
Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIP)
Collagen vascular disease
Drug related
Granulomatosis with polyangitis
Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia
Lipoid pneumonia
Cancer (metastatic)
Langerhan’s cell histiocytosis
Ascites: HCC with massive malignant ascites can push up against diaphragm and prevent it from being able to move
How can you tell diffuse parenchymal lung disease apart from other restrictive ventilatory defects?
Diffuse parenchymal lung disease (DPLD) has decreased DLCO/VA (lung that is there is not able to exchange gas well; whereas in every other case the lung parenchyma that still exists is working well) in addition to decreased TLC (whereas others don’t have any change in DLCO/VA)
DLCO is overall ability of respiratory system to exchange gas (low even if have one normal lung and one lung was removed)
DLCO/VA is ability of respiratory system to exchange gas corrected for alveolar volume present (so normal if just one functionally normal lung)
Differential diagnosis of hypoxemic or hypercapnic respiratory failure
Normal A-a PO2 but increased PaCO2: brain (drug OD, bulbar poliomyelitis, central alveolar hypoventilation), spinal cord (polio, Guillain-Barre, trauma, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), neuromuscular (myasthenia gravis, muscular dystrophy, tetanus/botulinum toxin), thorax and pleura (massive obesity, kyphoscoliosis, flail chest, tension pneumothorax), upper airways (tracheal obstruction)
High A-a PO2 but normal/low PaCO2: lower airways (COPD, asthma, bronchiolitis), parenchymal and vascular (pulmonary edema (cardiac and ARDS), pneumonia, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary embolism)
What things can make ARDS worse?
High FiO2 (fraction of inspired O2)
Over-expansion of alveoli
Movement of volume of air into and out of the lungs
Minute ventilation (Ve): volume of air in and out during one minute (Vt x bpm)
Definition of ventilation that reflects gas exchange is useful and this is alveolar ventilation:
Va = Vt - Vd (dead space ventilation)
Va = (VCO2 x 863)/PACO2
How are PACO2 and Va related?
Inversely proportional
If alveolar ventilation is cut in half, PACO2 will double (stop breathing as much and CO2 builds up in your alveoli)
Acute vs. chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure
Acute: new onset failure to ventilate (PaCO2 >50), acidotic pH, no time for renal compensation by retention of bicarb
Chronic: long standing failure to ventilate (PaCO2 >50), but have renal compensation through bicarb retention so minimal acidosis/normal pH
Metabolic and behavioral control systems for controlling ventilation
Metabolic control system: resp center stimulated directly by CO2 (peripheral chemoreceptors) or indirectly by CO2 (central chemoreceptors respond to H+ in CSF, but that comes from PCO2) or hypoxia (peripheral chemoreceptors are the only ones that sense PO2) to produce neurological impulses to stimulate respiratory muscles to produce ventilation
Behavioral control system: higher centers of brain coordinate ventilation with talking and can take over if no metabolic control (but not when you’re sleeping!)
Things that can impair metabolic control system for ventilation
Idiopathic (Ondine’s Curse)
CNS disease (stroke)
Disease of carotid bodies (autonomic dysfunction)
Endocrine or metabolic diseases (hypothyroidism, metabolic alkalosis)
Analgesics, sedatives, drugs are most common cause (morphine, valium, barbiturates)
Reasons for hypercapnic respiratory failure in COPD
1) Respiratory muscles cannot generate enough minute ventilation to overcome inefficiency of breath to breath CO2 elimination
2) Work of breathing very high due to airway resistance
3) Muscles at mechanical disadvantage due to hyperinflation
Sequelae of hypercapnia
Increases SNS and systemic vasodilation –> headache, cerebral edema and papilledema, cutaneous flushing and diaphoresis
Headache, confusion, coma
Diffuse parenchymal lung diseases
Pneumoconioses: asbestosis, silicosis, talc, coal worders’ pneumoconiosis
Idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIP): interstitial pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), NSIP, COP, RB-ILD, DIP, lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis (LIP), AIP
Infections: TB, cocci, histoplasmosis, CMV, PCP
Drugs/radiation: nitrofurantoin, amiodarone, methotrexate, gold, dilantin
Hypersensitivity reactions: hay/straw (farmer’s lung), cotton (byssinosis), TDI (chemical worker’s lung), red cedar (cedar worker’s lung), sugar cane (bagassosis)
Collagen-vascular diseases: RA, SLE, systemic sclerosis, polymyositis-dermatomyositis, sjogren’s syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis
Vasculitis/autoimmune diseases: granulomatosis with polyangitis (GPA; Wegner’s), Churg Strauss, Goodpasture’s
Miscellaneous: sarcoid, pulmonary infiltrates with eosinophilia (PIE), chronic aspiration, pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X)
Non-specific findings in DPLD
Acute illness (days to weeks): viral infections, acute sarcoidosis or Goodpasture’s
Sub-acute illness (weeks to months): PCP, TB, sarcoidosis, alveolar hemorrhage syndromes, cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP), hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug-induced lung disease
Chronic (months to years): idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Cough, dyspnea, abnormal PFTs, abnormal imaging
Exposure history in DPLD
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: western cedar, cotton, plastics
Pneumoconiosis: asbestos, silica
Infection: TB, coccidiomycosis
Extrathoracic symptoms in DPLD
Churg-strauss syndrome: asthma
Wegner’s/GPA: more than 50% have sinusitis, nasal complaint or otitis media
Any collagen vascular disease will have more than just pulmonary involvement
Physical exam findings in DPLD
Infiltrating diseases may be silent or may have Velcro rales (dry crackles)
Sarcoidosis will have erythema nodosum, ocular manifestations, arthritis
Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X) will have lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly
Chest X-ray in DPLD
Reticulonodular pattern with interstitial disease (lines all over, maybe small nodules)
Nodular changes: Wegner’s/GPA, sarcoidosis, pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis (histiocytosis X), pneumoconiosis, granulomatous infections
Cavitation: Wegner’s/GPA, infection
Bilateral hilar adenopathy with right paratracheal nodes: sarcoid
Bilateral hilar adenopathy with hilar nodes: pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis
Bilateral hilar adenopathy with eggshell calcifications: silicosis
Pleural disease: rheumatoid lung, asbestosis, SLE
Diffuse pulmonary disease with spontaneous pneumothorax: pulmonary Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis
If CXR is too white, what could be causing it?
Blood: alveolar hemorrhage
Water: pulmonary edema (ARDS)
Pus: pneumonitis (infectious, SLE, etc)
Where do you look for whiteness in CXR?
Chest wall
Pleura (costophrenic angles)
Lung parenchyma (vasculature vs. other?)
Mediastinum (look for border of aortic arch, descending aorta, left heart, RA, SVC)
Air bronchogram
Finding on CXR of a dense consolidation of alveoli but clear bronchi!
Alveoli become densely consolidated then see border you don’t normally see, and see the larger airways
How do you distinguish if consolidation is in right middle or right lower lobe?
Right middle lobe: see minor fissure (horizontal line); lateral subsegment if you can still see right border of heart, but medial subsegment if you cannot see right border of heart
Right lower lobe: see major fissure (diagonal/oblique line); will not be able to see diaphragm border
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF)
This is prototypical restrictive diffuse parenchymal lung disease
Specific form of chronic, progressive fibrosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause, occurring primarily in older adults, limited to lungs and associated with histopathologic and/or radiologic pattern of UIP
Pathophysiology: chronic inflammation and fibrosis leading to reduced lung compliance; involves macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, epithelial cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts; mediated by chemotactic factors, adhesion molecules, cytokines, arachidonic acid metabolites, ROS, growth factors, matrix proteins and enzymes
Fatal lung disease and natural history is variable and unpredictible (most develop gradual worsening of lung function over years, minority remain stable, some decline rapidly but impossible to tell who will react this way)
Diagnosis of IPF requires: exclusion of other ILDs, presence of usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern on high-resolution CT (HRCT) in patients without lung biopsy, specific combinations of HRCT and surgical lung biopsy pattern in patients subjected to surgical lung biopsy
Treatment of IPF is different from other IIPs (desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP), nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), respiratory bronchiolitis-associated interstitial lung disease (RBILD), acute interstitial pneunomia (AIP), cryptogenic organizing pneumonia (COP), lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia (LIP)); there is no effective treatment, just supportive/symptomatic care or clinical trial or lung transplant
Peripheral involvement, honeycombing, UIP
What determines airflow?
Airway size/caliber
Airway geometry
Gas viscosity
Gas density
Flow = diff in pressure/resistance
Where is resistance to flow in the respiratory tract?
Most resistance is at the 7th generation of airway (within conducting zone)
Note: narrowest place is larynx/vocal cords
Note: small airways have very little resistance in healthy people (have laminar flow) but have highest cross-sectional area
Anatomic sites of airway resistance
Airway lumen: secretions, tumors, foreign bodies
Airway wall: bronchoconstriction (smooth muscle), mucous gland hypertrophy, inflammatory cell infiltration, collagen and fibrosis, loss of cartilaginous support
Peribronchial region: lymph nodes (may enlarge and collapse the RML), peribronchial edema
Upper airway: vocal cords, epiglottitis, oropharynx, nasal
Lung parenchyma: loss of elastic recoil so decreased driving pressure and loss of radial traction
In what diseases is airway caliber/size reduced?
Small airway disease (COPD)
Parenchymal destruction (COPD) with less radial traction
Asthma: edema and bronchospasm
Laminar vs. turbulent flow
Laminar flow: smooth, orderly with parallel currents, flow increases with increasing driving pressure, increasing size of airway, decreasing gas viscosity (thickness not density), decreasing airway length
Turbulent flow: disorganized, eddies and swirls, flow is approximately square root of laminar flow (so much lower), likely to be present with large airways, higher average velocity, higher density, lower viscosity, if Reynolds number exceeds 2000-4000
How is He used therapeutically in severe asthma?
Heliox (He with 20-40% O2) used because much more likely to have laminar flow in upper airway to get more gas through (flow rate is now squared in previously turbulent airways)
Viscosity is 13% higher though so results in slightly reduced flow in small airways with laminar flow (so not as useful in COPD small airway disease)
Driving pressure of exhalation
V = diff in pressure/resistance
Static elastic recoil of lung parenchyma due to elastin and collagen fibers and due to surface tension of alveoli (reduced by surfactant)
Static elastic recoil of chest wall balances lung recoil at FRC
When forced exhalation, use muscles to increase intraabdominal pressure (rectus abdominis, internal and external oblique, transversus abdominis), and to compress chest wall (internal intercostal muscles)
What happens to elastic recoil of lung in emphysema?
In emphysema, elastic recoil of lung is reduced due to destruction of elastin, collagen and lung tissue in general
Lungs at bigger volume
Note: static elastic recoil tends to collapse the lung as a whole, but tends to hold airways open
Higher tension during inflation when surface film is being stretched
Lower tension during deflation when surface film is collapsing
Why can’t we just continue to increase driving pressure (muscular work) if increased airflow is required?
There is a limit to how much you can use the muscles
As apply pressure to alveoli, you also apply that pressure to the airways so if you continue to increase pleural pressure further, you cause airway to collapse (especially if you have COPD and radial traction keeping airways open is already decreased)
Airway collapse: equal pressure point
Increasing transpleural pressure is applied to alveolus, resulting in increased driving pressure but also to airways resulting in narrowing and collapse
Max expiratory flow is limited by airway collapse (if expiratory muscle strength and effort are adequate)
In emhpysema airways become more easily collapsed due to destruction of airway support structure (radial traction and cartilage) –> premature airway closure results in unexhaled air being trapped behind collapsed airways (airtrapping; increased residual volume)
What happens if airways remain open but just have very slow flow?
Some lung “units” empty more slowly due to increased compliance (less recoil pressure to drive flow due to parenchymal destruction) or increased airway resistance (small airway disease)
If flow is slow then as you breathe faster and faster, get more air trapping and no time for air to be exhaled through narrow airways (new breath initiated before complete exhalation so less ventilation and air remains trapped because no time to exhale)
Overinflated lungs, high residual volume (RV)
Physical findings of obstruction
Wheeze: continuous musical sounds longer than 250 ms; may be inspiratory or expiratory; oscillation of opposing walls of airways narrowed to point of near closure; pitch not related to location
Prolonged exhalation: long time constant
Hyperinflation: hyperresonance on percussion, barrel chest, low flat diaphragm
Common, preventable and treatable
Characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is progressive and associated with enhanced chronic inflammatory response in airways and lung to noxious particles or gasses
Exacerbations and comorbidities contribute to severity in people
Chronic airflow limitation is mixture of small airway disease (obstructive bronchiolitis), parenchymal destruction (emphysema), and relative contributions vary from person to person
Slow and progressive with continued smoking
Measure airflow limitation by spirometry
Respiratory symptoms of COPD
Cough, sputum, wheezing, dyspnea
Get cough before obstruction, but get obstruction before you’re bothered by the symptoms
Host factors contributing to development of COPD
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency leads to emphysema/COPD
Hyperresponsiveness to tobacco predicts accelerated rate of decline compared to non-hyperresponsive smokers
Exposures contributing to COPD
Tobacco smoke by far most important
Occupational dust and chemical exposure (coal dust = airflow obstruction, cadmium fumes = emphysema)
Indoor pollution: biomas fuel, environmental tobacco smoke
Outdoor air pollution (not so much though)
Infections: lung growth, airway hyperresponsiveness, HIV infection, stepwise decline
Socioeconomic status
Pathogenesis of COPD
Noxious particles and gases combined with host factors –> lung inflammation –> normal protective and/or repair mechanisms overwhelmed or defective –> oxidative stress and proteinases –> repair mechanisms –> COPD pathology
Note: inflammatory response in COPD is cytotoxic TH1 (?) cells that activate macrophages, which is markedly different from that in asthma (TH2 cells that recruit B cells)
Proteases destroy tissue: neutrophil elastase (elastase and collagenase), neutrophil cathepsin G, neutrophil proteinase-3, cathepsins B, L, S; matrix metalloproteases (collagenase, gelatinase, elastase)
Antiproteases limit destruction by proteases: alpha-1-antitrypsinase, secretory leukoproteinase inhibitor (SLPI) and tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs)
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
Alpha-1-antitrypsin is a protease inhibitor (antiprotease enzyme)
Normal allele is Pi M
Most common abnormality is point mutation where protein doesn’t make it out of the golgi in the liver (Pi Z) –> may cause liver disease in children, or cause emphysema at age 50 in a nonsmoker
Pi S allele is mutation causing decreased serum half life of alpha-1-antitrypsin, is more common in Spain/Portugal and is intermediate but if combined with Pi Z allele then increased risk for disease
Heterozygotes are fine!
Smoking increases neutrophil elastase from WBCs (increased parenchymal destruction) and smoking inactivates alpha-1-antitrypsin (less inhibition of neutropil elastase) –> MORE destruction of lung parenchyma
Effect of oxidants and free radicals
Oxidants and free radicals are released by neutrophils in respiratory burst (O2-, H2O2, OH, ONOO-)
Inhaled as tobacco smoke
Damage matrix proteins, lipids, nucleic acids; activate protease precursors; inactivate antiproteases
Limited and localized by antioxidants
Pathophysiologic changes in COPD
Small airway disease
Parenchymal destruction
Mucous hypersecretion
Pulmonary HTN, cor pulmonale
Systemic effects
Hypoxemia and hypercapnia
Membranous and respiratory bronchiolitis
Chronic inflammation
Subsequent fibrotic repair reaction
Thickening of airway walls from inflammatory edema and cellular infiltrates
Bronchiolar fibrosis, smooth muscle hyperplasia, goblet cell hyperplasia may also be present
Airway distortion may result from fibrous scarring
Note: membranous bronchioles not supported by collagen (are small conducting airways right before respiratory alveoli)
Parenchymal destruction in COPD
Condition of lung characterized by abnormal permanent enlargement of the airspace distal to the terminal bronchiole, accompanied by destruction of their walls, and without obvious fibrosis
Centrilobular emphysema: dilation and destruction (not just blowing up lung too much but actually tearing open parts of lung and getting holes!) of respiratory bronchioles and beyond (but not affecting alveolar ducts/alveoli distally)
Loss of alveolar attachments to bronchioles; decreased lung elastic recoil
Destruction of pulmonary capillary bed occurs with destruction of rest of parenchyma
Gas exchange abnormalities (decreased DLCO)
Difference that smoking vs. alpha-1-antitrypsin cause in lungs
In smoking, damage starts at center of lobule (centrilobular emphysema)
In alpha-1-antitrypsin, destruction throughout entire lung (panacinar emphysema)
Note: in asthma, have no destruction of the parenchyma at all
What is the difference between COPD and emphysema?
Emphysema is a TYPE of COPD, however…
Emphysema is a pathologic diagnosis: parenchymal destruction including destruction of vessels, alveolar attachments to airways, alveolar surface area
For COPD, you do not perform a biopsy! Have destruction leading to airflow obstruction and loss of gas exchange surface area and capillaries, but cannot prove whether this is emphysema histologically since no tissue sample!
Chronic bronchitis
Clinical definition; mucous hypersecretion (hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the subepithelial tracheobronchial mucus glands)
Production of any sputum whether expectorated or swallowed, and in most instance accompanied by chronic cough for >3 months per year and for >2 consecutive years
Disease of small airways
Does not correlate with FEV1 or impairment but may predict future obstruction
Excludes bronchiectasis and chronic infections
Since many COPD patients cough up mucus, prior definition included chronic bronchitis in COPD but just turns out that it’s not that important in terms of functional/exercise limitation (its the small airway disease that is important in this)
Systemic effects in COPD
Get pulmonary hypertension late in course of COPD: body tries to compensate for hypoxemia (poor ventilation) so get hypoxemic vasoconstriction in poorly ventilated lung units and destruction of capillaries; pathologic changes in pulmonary arteries
Get cor pulmonale due to pressure building up as a result of pulmonary hypertension and get hypertrophy and eventual failure of RV –> edema, etc
COPD associated with systemic inflammation and skeletal muscle dysfunction that may contribute to limitation of exercise capacity and decline of health status
Hypoxemia and hypercapnia in COPD
Hypoxemia may develop when have 35-30% of normal FEV1 (<1L) due to V/Q mismatch: late disease parenchymal destruction reduces SA for gas exchange and capillary bed also contributing to hypoxemia during exercise
Hypercapnia may develop with even lower FEV1 (<0.75-1L) due to inspiratory muscle dysfunction: respiratory drive increased (even with hypercapnia) but respiratory muscles insufficient to overcome increased work of breathing due to airflow obstruction and increased inefficiency of ventilation
Symptoms of COPD
Smoker’s cough (nonproductive) may start almost immediately with smoking (irritant effect)
COPD onset is in middle age after long latent period of progressive pathologic and physiologic changes
Chronic bronchitis: chronic productive cough due to mucous gland hypertrophy and loss of ciliated bronchial epithelium
Dyspnea, an abnormal awareness of the act of breathing: slowly progressive over years, first with moderate to strenuous exercise, then progressively with less exercise then eventually at rest; late in course get significant diffusion impairment with exercise and cor pulmonale contributes to dyspnea
Physical findings in COPD
On inspection: horizontal ribs and “barrel-shaped” chest; flattening of hemi-diaphragms; use of scalene (palpable) and SCM muscles; central cyanosis; ankle or lower leg edema
On auscultation: reduced breath sounds; wheezing during quiet breathing
Spirometry findings on COPD
Slow, progressively increasing obstructive ventilatory defect, without return to normal after bronchodilators
FEV1 does not correlate well with degree of emphysema
FEV1/FVC ratio <70% predicts further decline of >50 mL/yr
Prolonged exhalation time (may result in under-estimation of FVC)
Hyperinflation causes increased TLC
FRC increases due to decrease in elastic properties of lung (increased compliance)
RV increases due to premature airway closure and air trapping
Hyperinflation flattens diaphragm and results in mechanical disadvantage for ventilatory pump
Diffusing capacity in COPD
Parenchymal destruction (emphysema) reduces both SA (Dm) for gas exchange and alveolar capillary bed (Vc)
DLCO correlates well with degree of emphysema (on resection or HRCT) if FEV1 >1L
Gold 2011 staging of COPD airflow severity
Graded by FEV1% predicted post bronchodilator
Not all signs and symptoms correlate well with FEV1
Stage I: mild FEV1 >80%
Stage II: moderate FEV1 50-80%
Stage III: severe FEV1 30-50%
Stage IV: very severe <30% or FEV1 <50% with respiratory failure (PaO2 < 60 with or without PaCO2 > 50) or right heart failure
Note: all stages have FEV1/FVC <70%
Exacerbations of COPD
Exacerbation: acute event characterized by a worsening of the patient’s respiratory symptoms that is beyond normal day to day variations and which leads to a change in medication
Frequent: two or more in the prior year (predictor of future exacerbations)
Definition of asthma
Chronic inflammatory disorder of airways involving mast cells, eosinophils, neutrophils (less so than COPD but esp in sudden onset, fatal exacerbations, occupational asthma and patients that smoke), TH2 lymphocytes, macrophages, epithelial cells
In susceptible individuals, inflammation causes coughing (at night or early morning), wheezing, breathlessness and chest tightness
Episodes associated with widespread but variable airflow obstruction that is often reversible either spontaneously or with treatment
Airflow limitation due to bronchoconstriction, airway hyperresponsiveness, airway edema
Airway wall remodeling
Asthma prevalence, risk factors
More common in people under 18 (whereas COPD never symptomatic in those under 18)
Risk factors: innate immunity (TH2 cytokines, IgE levels, allergic sensitization, atopy); complex genetic influence, environment (airborne allergens, viral respiratory infections, tobacco smoke in utero, air pollution, maybe diet)
Etiology of asthma
Triggering symptoms: allergens, viral infections, nonspecific irritants, exercise and cold air, osmotic stimuli
Foods and medications (beta blockers, aspirin)
Emotion (rare)
Reflex bronchoconstriction (acid reflux triggers bronchospasm by NANC nerves then can get down into lung which is bad!)
Classic (Samter’s) triad: aspirin sensitivity, nasal polyps and asthma
Early and late phase of acute inflammation of asthma
Early phase: rapid activation of mast cells and macrophages already in airways; release of preformed mediators (histamine, eicosanoids (leukotrienes), ROS); smooth muscle contraction, mucous secretion, vasodilation, microvascular leak; result is obstruction (bronchoconstriction, airway wall edema, luminal mucous, exudate and cells); relieved by beta agonists and related drugs
Late phase: recruitment of new cells (eosinophils, TH2 helper cells, basophils, neutrophils, macrophages); release of TH2 like cytokines (IL-2, IL-5, GM-CSF), recruitment and activation from adhesion molecules, chemokines and cytokines; enhanced nonspecific (methacholine) bronchial hyperresponsiveness; this is probably what chronic asthmatics are experiencing
Characteristics of chronic inflammation
Mast cells and basophils: histamine, PGD2, LTC4, tryptase and chymase
Eosinophils: toxic granule release (major basic protein, eosinophilic cationic protein, eosinophil-derived neurotoxin, oxygen free radicals, eicosanoids (leukotrienes), TH2 like cytokines, growth factors, elastase and metalloproteases)
Lymphocytes: CD4+ T helper cells (likely control chronic inflammation by release of TH2 like cytokines (IL-4, IL-5, etc)
Macrophages, epithelial cells, neutrophils, fibroblasts and myofibroblasts
Neurogenic inflammation, eicosanoids, endothelins and NO, substance P, neurokinins (NKA, NKB)
Chronic inflammation in asthma
Occurs in all “types” of asthma
Acutely increased with asthma triggers (allergens, viral infections, occupational triggers)
Occurs early in course of disease (even in mild, intermittent and in remission)
Asthma severity correlates with many inflammatory indices but inflammation does not “define” asthma subtypes/phenotypes
Asthma symptoms
Variable/episodic with time and/or treatment
Wheezing (more than in COPD; not always seen on physical exam)
Chest tightness (bronchoconstriction and hyperinflation)
Cough (sometimes its all it is!)
Sputum production
Nocturnal awakening
Exercise limitation
PFTs in asthma
Airway obstruction
Variable with time, exposure, treatment
Decreased FEV1/FVC
Reduced FEV1, PEF, FEF25-75%
PEF variable AM/PM and day to day
May have increased TLC, FRC, RV
DLCO usually normal but may be increased in acute attacks (large intrathoracic negative pressures draw in more blood and increase pulmonary capillary blood volume; kind of blood doping effect and get DLCO up a little IF you measured during an exacerbation, but don’t usually)
Methacholine challenge test
Give methacholine to people who may have asthma
If healthy, won’t do much
If severe, FEV1 will drop after having methacholine (causes bronchoconstriction because is a muscarinic agonist)
Negative test has good negative predictive value for asthma!
Measures to determine severity of asthma
Can be intermittent or persistent (mild, moderate or severe)
Nighttime awakenings
Short acting beta2 agonist for symptom control used?
Interference with normal activity
Lung function
Exacerbations requiring oral prednisone (consider frequency and severity)?
Treatment level for initiating or after optimizing control
Severity of asthma
Intrinsic intensity of disease process (impairment or risk)
Most easily measured when patient not taking long-term controller therapy
Guides initial therapy
Inferred from minimum therapy needed to maintain control
Control of asthma
Well controlled, not well controlled and severe
Degree to which manifestations of asthma are minimized
Current impairment (symptoms and functional impairment)
Future risk (exacerbations, decline in lung function, adverse events from medications)
Guides treatment after initiation of long-term control medications
Beta2 agonists for treating asthma
Relax airway of smooth muscle
Don’t treat the underlying problem, only treat symptoms (bronchoconstriction)
Albuterol/levalbuterol: short-acting (4h), rapid onset (15s)
Salmeterol: long-acting (12h), slower onset (15-20min)
Formoterol/arformoterol: long-acting (12h), rapid onset (<5min)
Indacaterol: long-acting (24h), slower onset
Epinephrine: has heart side effects from beta1
Smooth muscle relaxation and mild anti-inflammatory (likely cause bronchodilation by inhibiting phosphodiesterase, thereby decreasing breakdown of cAMP)
Theophylline (PO) and aminophylline (IV)
Caffeine (very weak bronchodilator)
Side effects, toxicity and drug interactions (therapeutic range overlaps toxicity range, bad!)
Phosphodiesterase IV specific inhibitors: raflumilast approved for COPD 3/1/11
Anticholinergics for treating asthma
Not used as commonly in asthma because don’t work as fast as beta agonists, but use ipratropium if have beta2 tremor
Used in COPD primarily (tiotropium)
Relaxation of cholinergic (muscarinic) induced bronchoconstriction
Ipratropium is short acting (6h) and tiotropium is long acting (24h) and selective for M3 and M1 receptor
Atropine has systemic side effects
Corticosteroids as treatment for asthma
Local broad airway anti-inflammatory
Beclomethasone HFA (dry powder inhaler)
Fluticasone HFA or DPI, also with salmeterol (beta agonist)
Budesonide DPI or nebulizer, also with formoterol
Mometasone DPI, also with formoterol
Ciclesonide HFA
For rescue: oral prednisolone, methylprednisolone, IV methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone
Antileukotriene agents for asthma
Only help 15-20% of people (can tell who won’t respond genetically)
Specific reduction in leukotriene mediators
Acute bronchodilation and limited anti-inflammatory
Montelukast: antagonizes LTD4 and LTE4 receptors (CysLT type 1)
Zafirlukast: antagonizes LTD4 and LTE4 receptors
Zileuton: inhibits 5 lipoxigenase
Other agents to treat asthma
Cromolyn nebulizer (doesn’t actually work that well)
Omalizumab: anti IgE antibody; helpful in severe cases to reduce exacerbation
How do we reduce risk factors for asthma
Trigger avoidance: environmental modification, pneumococcal and influenza vaccination (because infection can cause exacerbation?), occupational assessment
Cigarette smoking: reduces anti-inflammatory action of corticosteroids
Management of asthma
Step up as needed if adherent and step down if possible if asthma well controlled for 3 months
1) PRN beta2 agonist
2) Low-dose inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)
3) Medium dose ICS or low-dose ICS + long acting beta2 agonist (LABA)
4) Medium dose ICS + LABA
5) High dose ICS + LABA and consider omalizumab
6) High dose ICS + LABA + oral corticosteroids and consider omalizumab
Quick relief medication for all patients: short-acting beta2 agonist as needed for symptoms up to 3 doses at 20 minute intervals depending on severity of symptoms
Risk reduction for COPD
Reduce exposure to tobacco smoke, occupational dusts and chemicals and indoor and outdoor air pollutants
Smoking cessation is single most effective (and cost effective) way to reduce risk of developing/progressing COPD
Test for alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency in non-smokers with COPD, family history of AAT and early presentation of COPD
Oxygen administration for COPD
O2 administration is only way (other than smoking cessation) to improve survival in patients with COPD
COPD management by GOLD category
Group A: few symptoms, low risk = PRN beta agonists or anticholinergics
Group B: many symptoms, low risk = long-acting beta agonists (LABA) or anticholinergics (LAMA)
Group C: few symptoms, high risk = LABA/ICS or LAMA or LABA/LAMA
Group D: many symptoms, high risk = LABA/ICS or LAMA, LABA/LAMA, LABA/LAMA/ICS, LABA/raflumilast
Difference in how inhaled steroids are used in COPD vs. asthma
Purpose of ICS in COPD is to reduce exacerbations so if no exacerbations then no need for ICS
Purpose of ICS in asthma is to reduce inflammation and disease as well as symptoms (so can take steroid daily)
Management of asthma and COPD exacerbations
Bronchodilators: continuous nebulized albuterol and ipratropium or frequent high dose MDI until improved then converted to metered dose inhaler; if come into the ER, may give 20 puffs of albuterol to try to relieve bronchospasm
Corticosteroids: IV at hospital or PO at home; steroids take 8 hours to work so have to get them through that time with bronchodilators and potentially temporary ventilation; use methylprednisone once followed by prednisone usually tapered from 60 mg/d
Oxygen to maintain SpO2 >92% but don’t want to give too high O2 or else will suppress respiratory drive
Rule out PE
In asthma, consider magnesium, heliox (FiO2 0.3 with He), montelukast
Consider IV terbutaline, IV aminophylline (but make sure haven’t already taken theophylline), intubation and mechanical ventilation with permissive hypercapnia, paralytic agents
Discharge: oral steroid burst, good long-term medication regimen, rescue medication, plan for exacerbations, good follow-up
Causes of asthma or COPD exacerbations
Didn’t take their medications
Causes of wheeze and obstruction
Extrathoracic upper airway: post nasal drip, Klebsiella rhinoscleroma, hypertrophied tonsils, laryngeal edema, laryngocele, epiglottitis (supraglottitis), retropharyngeal abscess, vocal cord dysfunction, bilateral vocal cord paralysis, vagus nerve compression due to increased ICP, postextubation granuloma, hemorrhagic vocal cord obstruction, abnormal arytenoid movement, cricoarytenoid arthritis, malignancy, obesity, Wegner’s granulomatosis (GPA), anaphylaxis, sleep apnea
Intrathoracic upper airway: tracheal stenosis due to prior intubation, acquired tracheomalacia, relapsing polychondritis, tracheobronchealmegaly, intrathoracic goier, right sided arotic arch, malignancies, tracheal chondroma, tracheal leiomyoma, herpetic tracheobronchitis, benign bronchial tumors, tracheal adenoma (HPV), malignancies, foriegn body aspiration
Lower airway obstruction: asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis, CF, malignancies, bronchiolitis, pseudomembranous aspergillus tracheobronchitis, lymphangioleimyomatosis (LAM), lymphangitic carcinomatosis, aspiration, pulmonary embolism, anaphylaxis, carcinoid syndrome, parasitic infections, pulmonary edema
Summary of COPD vs. asthma
Both obstructive
COPD: small airway disease and parenchymal destruction due to tobacco/AAT deficiency/chronic bronchitis; preventable (early) mortality, treatable morbidity (only treating symptoms)
Asthma: inflammation of airways treatable with inhaled corticosteroids and bronchospasm relieved with beta2 agonist (treating underlying inflammation)
Causes of chronic neuromuscular respiratory failure
Neurological disease: postinfectious polyneuropathy (Guillain-Barre syndrome), motor neuron disease (ALS), poliomyelitis
Muscular disease: muscular dystrophy, myopathy (metabolic or structural), connective tissue disease (SLE)
Chest wall deformity: kyphosis, scoliosis, gibbus, secondary to muscle disease (muscular dystrophy, poliomyelitis)
What happens to TLC and RV in neuromuscular disease?
TLC decreases
RV increases
Lungs cannot expand as much and chest wall cannot shrink as much
How do you assess breathing muscle endurance?
Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV)
Breathe deep and quickly for 12 seconds to calculate MVV
Can estimate MVV by doing FEV1 x 40 because you exhale for 40 seconds out of every minute
How do you assess strength of breathing muscles?
Maximum inspiratory and expiratory mouth pressures (PImax and PEmax)
Better inspiratory force at lower lung volumes
Better expiratory force at higher lung volumes
Measuring oxygen diffusion in the lung
Use DLCO: uses CO to determine diffusion characteristics of the lung
CO goes through alveolar duct to alveolar space across alveolar epithelium into tissue interstitium across capillary epithelium and into plasma
From plasma gets across RBC membrane, into RBC cytoplasm and onto hemoglobin
Measure CO content of air breathed out to figure out how much diffused into the lung
Factors influencing diffusing capacity
Factors increasing DLCO: body size (SA, Vc), lung volume (SA), exercise, supine (Vc, more uniform distribution of blood throughout lung)
Factors decreasing DLCO: age, anemia (less Hb to bind CO), diffusion impairment, resection (SA)
What happens to PCO2 and PO2 in muscular disease?
In muscular disease, get hypoventilation which causes higher PCO2 and lower PO2
See these levels in both acute and chronic muscular disease
What happens in patient with chronic ventilatory failure?
Chronic hypoxemia causes reflex pulmonary vasoconstriction and with chronicity get remodeling of pulmonary vasculature so resistance increases and get secondary pulmonary hypertension as a result of hypoxemia
Pulmonary HTN causes right heart failure (cor pulmonale) which causes hypoxemia, cyanosis, peripheral edema, large pulsatile liver, JVD
In chronic hypercapnia, get respiratory acidosis but renal compensation by retaining bicarb
PO2 is low so can provide some supplemental O2 (if PO2 <50) but don’t want to give too much because that will cause decreased ventilatory drive and worsen hypercapnia via DeJours effect
Estimations of how pH changes with PCO2 and bicarb
Increase of PCO2 1 mmHg will decrease pH 0.01 units
Retention of 0.5 mEq/L of bicarb will restore pH 0.01 units toward normal
What happens to central chemoreceptors in chronic hypercapnic ventilatory failure?
1) High PCO2 in blood diffuses into CSF so you get high PCO2 in CSF
2) In the CSF, CO2 combines with water, forms carbonic acid then dissociates to form H+
3) Kidney has retained bicarb to compensate for hypercapnia in peripheral blood and that bicarb is actively transported into CSF to balance the increased CO2 (increased CSF buffering capacity)
4) This bicarb in the CSF restores pH of CSF toward normal so there is less H+ in CSF to stimulate central chemoreceptors and drive from central chemoreceptors is now diminished
Overall have less active central chemoreceptors in presence of high PCO2 in peripheral blood –> must be more reliant on peripheral chemoreceptor
What happens when person with chronic hypercapnia breathes 100% O2?
Peripheral chemoreceptors sense high O2 and low CO2 and decrease ventilation and get increased end tidal CO2
High PO2 makes carotid body disinterested in ventilatory control
If you give oxygen you correct hypoxemia a little but PCO2 rises even higher and pH becomes more acidotic because hypoventilating! Want to maintain adequate O2, don’t need it to be too high because you can manage with slightly high CO2
Complications of chronic neuromuscular respiratory failure
Progressive loss of ventilatory muscle strength: worsening dyspnea then impaired cough then worsening hypercapnia
Increasing difficulty swallowing: aspiration pneumonia
Clinical management of chronic neuromuscular respiratory failure
Clinical considerations: chronic ventilatory support (noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) has higher pressure on inspiration and lower on expiration to make breathing easier), tracheostomy for PPV (removes half of dead space so get more alveolar ventilation), percutaneous gastrostomy (PEG) for nutrition
Ethical considerations: advance directive, durable power of attorney
FiO2 with different modes of oxygenation
Nasal cannula: 24-35% (each L/min raises FiO2 3-4% from 21%)
Face mask: 35-60%
Non-rebreather face mask: 70-95%
Intubation: 100%
Normal A-a gradient
10-15 mmHg
PAO2 - PaO2 (measured)
Calculate PAO2: 150 - (PaCO2/0.8)