Week 6: Graphs Flashcards
What is a graph?

What are the following:
Directed edge
Undirected edge
Directed graph or digraph
Undirected graph
Mixed graph

What are the following:
End vertices (or endpoints) of an edge
Edges incident on a vertex
Adjacent vertices
Degree of a vertex
PArallel edges
Simple graph

What are the following:
simple path

What are the following:
Simple cycle

What are the properties of a graph?

What is a complete graph/clique?

What is a connected graph?

What is a tree?

What is a forest?

What is a subgraph?

What is a connected component?

Example of connected components:
Answer: 3

What is the Edge List DS for storing a graph?

What is the Adjacency List DS for storing a graph?

What is the Adjacency Matrix DS for storing a graph?

What is the performance of the following three DSs for graphs:
Edge List
Adjacency List
Adjacency Matrix