week 6 Flashcards
what is the distinction between a small and large country
relates to whether a country is a ‘price-taker’ in world goods market
draw the protection by an important tariff in a small country
look at notes
in terms of welfare, what happens when a small country imposes a tariff
there should be a net welfare gain of of imposing tariffs
draw a daigram when ‘home@ imposes a import tariff
look at notes
label all the different parts
in terms of welfare, what happens when home imposes a tariff
small country
consumer surplus will decrease
producer surplus will increase
government revenue will increase
so overall social welfare will decrease
what is ‘production loss’?
the additional resource cost of increasing domestic production compared to importing
home import: production loss is represented by a traingle –> domestic production increases
what is ‘consumption loss’?
fall in consumer surplus that is due to a fall in quantity consumed, rahter than a higher price on continuing consumption
why does consumer surplus fall: in terms of consumption loss?
consumers exit the market and consumers stay in the market pays more as a result
the consumption loss of a tariff measures the former effect
long run and knock on effects of an import tariff:
what is the partial equ justified by
asumming the industry concerned is small within the country overall economy
- industry has a small effect on the country factor markers, thus takes factor prices
long run and knock on effects of an import tariff: what are the speculative long-run effects
tariffs will leads to an increase in the price level
later leads to supernormal profits= increase in produscer surplus
entry into the industry in the LR
long run and knock on effects of an import tariff: what are the 2 scenarios for increase in profit
- entering entrepeneurs hire K away from wider economy
- S curve shifts out
- Scenario 2
- A fixed stock of K is specific to the industry
- entering entrepreneurs compete for industry specific K –> Pk bid up supply curve
- owners gain PS
long run and knock on effects of an import tariff: Stopler samuelson effects on factor prices –>
tariff leads to an increase in the general price
factor used intensively in the co will gain (real terms) and the other factor will loses
what are the three reasons for protection
relianance of governments on tariff revenue
lobbying by
if a country is large in world markets
why is gaining revenue a good reason for government to impose tariffs
they are easy to collect relative to other forms of taxation
data show that in LDC governemnts are relucatna tot change form of taxation despite welfare cost of tariffs
why is lobbying by a good reason for a government to impose tariffs
tariffs persist because of the benefits they create are concentrated whilst the cost are dispersed
in tterms of factors used intensively in import comepeting industry