Week 6 Flashcards
Define the term Professional Boundaries
- Limits to relationships of a nurse and client allows for safe therapeutic connection
Explain the continuum of professional behaviours
3 Zones:
- Zone under involvement
- Zone of helpfulness
- Zone of over involvement
What is boundary crossing?
- Inadvertent, intended, thoughtless or careless
What is violation?
- Nurse confuses their needs with client needs i.e. inappropriate relationship
What is Sexual Misconduct ?
- Extremely serious violation of nurse professional responsibility
What is therapeutic care relationships, access to/the disclosure of information?
- Nurses meet therapeutic requirements of client in care
- Don’t withhold care as a punishment, reflect on nurses needs, behaviours or values.
What is a Personality Trait?
- Personal characters revealed in a particular pattern/behaviour in variety of situations
What is Personality Disorder?
- Rigid, unhealthy pattern of thinking, functioning and behaving
- Trouble perceiving or relating to situations
What is Cluster A
- Odd/Eccentric= Paranoid,Schizoid
What is Cluster B
- Dramatic= Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic
What is Cluster C
- Anxious/Fearful = Avoidance, Dependant, Obsessive-compulsive
What are the 4 types of Personality Disorders ?
- Antisocial
- Borderline
- Histrionic
- Narcissistic
What is Antisocial Personality Disorder?
- Longterm manipulation, exploiting/violating rights of others
- Personality characterised by antisocial behaviours exhibiting lack of remorse, feeling or self
- Cluster B (dramatic)
What is Borderline Personality Disorder?
- Unstable moods, behaviours, relationships and suffer from regulating their emotions, thoughts.
- Cluster B (dramatic)
What is Histrionic Personality Disorder?
- Excessive attention seeking emotions, inappropriate seductive behaviour, excessive need for approval
- Cluster B (dramatic)
What is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?
- Inflated sense of own importance, deep need for administration and lack of empathy for others
- Cluster B (dramatic)
Avoidance - What does it mean?
- Characterised by turning away or withdrawn/defensive behaviours
In which historical period was the discovery of psychiatric medication?
- Twentieth Century
What was the accepted care of mentally ill people in Ancient times and the Middle Ages?
- Custodial Care
While working with the family of a young out of control child, the nurse requests his parents to use positive or negative reinforcements. This approach is typical of which theory?
- Behavioural
A parent takes his children for a holiday when they do well at school. This is an example of which operant conditioning concept?
- Positive Reinforcement
Which of the following statements is consistent with the superego?
- “I dont deserve to buy this dress until i prove can get a job”.
A depressed client states, “I should never have let my dog run out on the street. Now its my fault that he is dead”. Select the one response by the nurse.
- ” I understand that you feel bad about the accident”.
A mother of a depressed adolescent states, “ I just don’t understand the diagnosis. My son has never complained of feeling sad. Sure his grades are getting worse and he has a lot of headaches, but all kids go through that.” What characteristics would it be important to emphasise with the mother?
- Depression in adolescents does not always look the same as adult depressions.
Which of the following statements by a family member of a depressed client indicates that the family member needs further teaching?
- ” Recovery will require a great deal of willpower for my family member”
All of the following are signs of mania except:
- Carefully planned suicide attempts
A client admitted to an acute inpatient psychiatric unit 10 days ago for bipolar disorder eats finger foods pacing the halls if offered by staff members, draws abstract art in ink on his left hand, sleeps 6 hours each night, and takes prescribed medications. Which of the following most indicates that the client`s condition is improving?
- Sleeps 6 hours per night
A client with substance abuse disorder makes a comment, “lately i have had a to get more and more of my drug just to get the effect i used to get”. The nurse recognises this example of:
- Tolerance
Co-dependaence refers to the relationship between:
- Two addicts or abusers
A client has had surgery and is recovering in the intensive care unit 72 hrs after his admission. the client exhibits tremors, jumps in a jerky manner when one enters the room, has a HR of 132, high fever, complains of bugs in the room. An immediate assessment question that should be asked is:
- When was your last drink?
A client at a community mental health clinic complains of insomnia. He has trouble falling asleep, staying asleep. which of the following data should be explored further by community mental health nurse?
- I drink cola every morning when i wake up and usually four or five more cans each day.
Which statement by the client being discharged from an alcoholic treatment centre would indicate that further teaching is necessary?
- ” I can have a glass of wine on special occasions”.
For individuals being diagnosed with a personality disorder, all of the following must be present except:
- Personality traits must often lead to hostility and conflict
Strategies a nurse might use to deal with the demanding quality of clients with dramatic, emotional personality disorders include all the following except:
- Given the clients a little extra attention so there will be a positive feeling between you and them
In caring for a person with a paranoid personality disorder, nurses should not attempt to:
- Try to convince the client that their paranoid feelings are unfounded
A nursing diagnosis appropriate to consider for a patient with any of the personality disorders is:
- Impaired social interaction
When a patient demonstrates behaviours and verbalisation indicating a lack of guilt feelings, desired outcomes will be facilitated by intervention that:
- Foster discussions of rationales for behaviour
The nurse caring for an individual with schizotypal personality disorder would expect to see:
- Suspicious, lack of friends and odd behaviour
Which term is defined as an enduring pattern of behaviour that is pervasive and inflexible, limits a persons ability to function in society?
- Personality Disorder
Which one of the following is not one of the DSM-IV clusters into which personality disorders may be grouped?
- Passive and aggressive
which type of personality disorder has an essential feature of excessive devotion to work and productivity, preoccupation with details?
- Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder