Week 6 Flashcards
Andreas Dür
“Bringing Economic Interests Back into the Study of EU Trade Policy-Making”- 2008
Comparative advantage
David Ricardo
The gold standard
Introduced in nineteenth century
Regional Trade Agreements Act of 1934
Smoot-Hawley of 1930
Bretton Woods
1944, established International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (WorldBank) and the Internaternational Monetary Fund. It also set in place the international inetntion to create the International Trade Organization
Customs Union
all obstacles of free movement of goods and services are removed and a common external tariff is agreed.
Common market
Union of partners with free movement of goods, services, and the addition of free movement of labour and capital.
Principle GATT
Special and differential treatment (SDT)
Exemptions from the negotiating principle of reciprocity, preferential access for developing country exports to rich country markets and development assistance to help developing countries compete in export markets
GATT safeguard provisions
Article XII allows governments to reimpose trade
restrictions in the face of balance-of-payment difficulties while Article XIX
permits governments to raise tariffs for a period of time when a particular
industry is confronting significant problems as a result of tariff
Newly industrializing economies (NIEs)
Trade-Related Investment Measures
TRIMs. Very limited proportion of the issues raised in the negotiation
Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs)
Grant state protection to producers of new ideas.