Week 6 Flashcards
were His most dedicated disciples and friends. They were chosen by Jesus Christ to become fishers of men. With their respective potentials, they were able to spread the goods news as founders of the modern Church.
The twelve apostles
Comes from the greek word Andreas, itself derived from the greek word Andreios meaning “masculine”
he is also called Levi, a tax collector, who later become one of the four gospel writers
Acts 12:2 says that he is killed with a sword
James the Greater
stems from Yehudah meaning ‘praised’. According to tradition, Saint Jude Thaddeus was martyred around the year 65 A.D. in Beirut and his body filled with arrows.
Judas Thaddeus
comes from the hebrew name Shim’on meaning “he has heard”
Simon the Zealot
stems the Hebrew Yehudah meaning ‘praised’. Judas Iscariot committed suicide following his betrayal of Jesus Christ, and the whereabouts of his remains are unknown.
He is probably the same person as Nathanael. \_\_\_\_\_\_ comes from Bartholomaios, the Greek form of an Aramaic name meaning son of Talmai.
stems from the word Philippos meaning “friend of the horses”
derived from the hebrew name yochanan which means “Yahweh is gracious”
is derived from the Hebrew name ya’aqov for the Old Testament Patriarch Jacob.
became Peter. Peter
stems from the Greek
Petros meaning ‘rock’
comes from the Aramaic name Ta’oma meaning •twin, however, the meaning of the nickname is unclear.
is a very important feast in the Catholic Church. It marks the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity on the Apostles
who became instruments of God’s love
it is through the ____________ that God makes His words to be alive in us every day
same Spirit