Week 5: Positivist Criminology Flashcards
What is Positivism Criminology?
- Not a theory but a philosophy related to the use of science in regulating the world around us
What are the Basic Features of Positivism?
- Systematic observation
- Accumulation of evidence
- Objective fact
- Deductive framework
What is the Focus of Trait Theories?
- Focus on characteristics of the offender rather than to his/her circumstances
Who is Cesare Lombroso?
- Published work between 1876 to 1910
- Considered the father Italian positivist criminology (the “Italian school”)
- Most lasting contribution was in relation to the criminal justice system
- Lombroso said punishment should fit the criminal
- Born criminals should be incarcerated to protect society
What are Sociological Theories?
- Differences in the social environment explain crime (Family, school, peer group, community, etc.)
- Argue there are no individual differences between criminals and non-criminals
What are Modern Biological Theories?
- Focus on individual differences and the influence of these difference on the likelihood of crime
What is Sociobiological and Criminology?
- Biology, environment, and learning are mutually interdependent
- Personal traits separate deviant from non-deviant
- Personal traits account for different responses to similar conditions
What is Contemporary Trait Theory?
Criminality can be explained by individual differences:
- Both biological and psychological
- May be genetic, neurological, or chemical
Focus on basic human drives, not legal definitions
- Ex. Aggression, impulsivity
Traits work in combination with environmental and social factors
- Focus on chronic offenders, criminal careers
What are the two Main Reasons to Examine Biological Factors?
- Interact with the social environment to produce crime
- Influence the social environment in ways that increase the likelihood of crime
What is Bio Criminology?
- The study of the physical aspects of psychological disorders (Brain waves, disturbed nervous system functioning, biochemical abnormalities)
- Human beings are products of an interaction between environmental and genetic factors
What three Arguments do Biocriminology make?
- Biological and environmental factors influence the development of traits conducive to crime
- Traits that produce crime influence the social environment in ways that increase the likelihood of crime
- Crime is most likely among individuals who possess traits that produce crime and are in aversive environments
What did Sheldon & Eleanor Glueck Study?
- Sought to explain why people respond to different environments in different ways
- Took a life-course approach examining how the causes of crime develop from childhood to adulthood
Who were the Participants in Glueck & Glueck’s Study?
- Sample of five hundred delinquent and five hundred non-delinquent boys
- White males ages ten to seventeen matched on age, race, neighbourhood characteristics, and intelligence
- Delinquents from two juvenile reformatories in Massachusetts and non-delinquents from Boston public schools
- The Glueck’s followed up with the boys at ages twenty-five and thirty-two
What were the Critiques of Glueck and Glueck’s Study?
- Sutherland attacked this work, saying it was atheoretical and downplayed sociological factors
- Sociologists rejected the work, saying it was flawed
What did Glueck and Glueck Argue?
- Area studies are not universal
- We need multidisciplinary studies of crime
- Theorists only focus on singular factors
What are the Factors with Probable Causal Significance?
- Physique
- Temperamental traits and emotional dynamics
- Intellectual traits
What are Physique Factors with Probable Causal Significance?
- High incidence of mesomorphic (muscular, solid) dominance in delinquents
- Among non-delinquents, there is a high incidence of ectomorphic (linear, thin) dominance
- Delinquents also have been reported to have been restless as children
What are Intellectual Traits with Probable Causal Significance?
- The boys were matched on intelligence, but differences were still seen
- Delinquents have a lesser capacity to approach problems methodologically
- Delinquents have less verbal intelligence
- Delinquents have greater emotional conflict with their performance of intellectual tasks
What are Behaviour Reflecting Significant Traits?
- School attainment
- School misbehaviour
- General misbehaviour tendencies
- Leisure time and companions
- Sociocultural factors
What are School Attainment Behaviour Reflecting Significant Traits?
- Delinquents had a poorer attitude toward school
What are School Misbehaviour Reflecting Significant Traits?
Delinquents misbehave at a much higher rate than non-delinquents
- Average age at first school misbehavior was nine and a half (fourth grade)
What are General Misbehaviour Tendencies of Delinquents?
Outside of school, delinquents:
- stole rides
- committed destructive mischief
- ran away from home
- gambled
- smoked and drank at an early age
What are Leisure Time and Companions Reflecting Significant Traits?
- More likely to play in distant neighborhoods
- Hang around street corners, vacant lots, waterfronts, railroad yards, and poolrooms
What are Sociocultural Factors Reflecting Significant Traits?
- Greater incidence of emotional disturbances, mental retardation, alcoholism, and criminalism among the families of the mothers of delinquents
What are the Delinquent Physique Findings?
Found delinquency results from the interplay among:
- Somatic (physique—mesomorphic)
- Temperamental
- Attitudinal
- Psychological
- Intellectual
- Sociocultural (especially family) forces
What three Important Contributions did Glueck and Glueck’s Research have?
- Embraced a multi-factor approach where the causes of crime were driven by the data
- Showed early antisocial behaviour was related to later criminal behaviour
- Showed antisocial youths not only are shaped by their circumstances but also impact the social world