Week 5: Motivation Flashcards
Direction and Intensity of one’s effort
Weinburg, 2000
Organismic Theory
Deci, 1985
Cognitive Theory
Bandura, 1986
Achievement Motivation
Duda, 2005
Usually more than one goal is adopted a time
Maehr and Braskamp, 1986
More than one conception of ability exists and that AG behavior may differ
Nicholls, 1984
Demonstrate ability relative to others or to outperform others.
Nicholls, 1984
The goal of action is to develop mastery, improvement or learning and the demonstration of ability is self- referenced.
Nicholls. 1984
Goal Orientations are Dynamic but stable over time
Duda, Whitehead, 1998
The most successful ones assume the two goals are conceptually orthogonal
Duda and Whitehead, 1998
Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ
Duda and Whitehead, 1998
Elite Athletes describes a mastery climate as one main reason for team success.
Pensgaard and Roberts, 2001
A mastery climate also, reduced likeliness of maladaptive outcomes like anxiety, stress, burnout.
Treasure, 2001
Performance and Mastery Climate
Roberts et al, 2007
Perceptions of Competence TO
Elliot and Dweck, 1998
Perceptions of Competence EO
Dweck, 1986
Soccer players found that athletes high in task orientation
Van Yperen and Duda, 1999
Belief about cause of success TO
Duda and White, 2002
Belief about cause of success EO
Walling and Duda, 1995
Effort and Performance TO
Van Yperen and Duda, 1999
Adolescents involved in climbing tasks, Task involved performed 60% better compared to 42% Ego involved
Sarrazin et al 2002
Achievement Strategies TO
Ommundsen and Roberts, 1999
Affect and Intrinsic Interest TO
Duda et al, 1995
Affect and Intrinsic Interest EO
Duda, 1995
Epstein, 1989