Week 5 - Lecture 8 - What is a risk? Flashcards
Anything and everything can be broken, damaged, hurt, etc.
Potential that something may happen to things
Dangers (safety issues)
Unintentional, accidental
Threats (security issues)
Intentional, wilfully, committed by humans (arson, murder, etc.)
To dare. Sometimes risks can be positive (e.g. business or gambling)
Three core elements of risk
- Chances;
- The future;
- Intervention.
Something might happen, but we don’t know wheter, how or when it will happen
The future
For something to ‘maybe’ happen, there has to be a future for it to occur
To do something to change the risk
You can intervein by…
- Reducing the likelihood;
- Reducing the impact.
Coconut uncertainties
Events that are super rare, but have disasterous consequences.
Subway uncertainties
Events that happen (semi) regularly. We can culculate the likelihood to make predictions.
Known knowns
Stuff we now for certain, no matter what
Known unknowns
All the things that we are aware of, but we don’t know when they will materialise
Unknown unknowns
Stuff we have no knowledge of whatsoever
Elementary risks
Mostly natural risks
Man-made / manufactured risks
The remedies we make for risks, turn out to be risks as well
Zero risk society
A society that cannot bare the thought of things falling apart
Risks are real, measurable, manageable
Weak constructivism
Risks are real, but we understand them culturally
Strong constructivism
There is no such thing as a ‘real’ risk; risk is purely a social construct