Week 5: Impressionism Flashcards

Manet, Mlle. Victorine in the Costume of an Espada, 1862

Manet, Déjeuner sur l’Herbe, 1863

Manet, Olympia, 1863

Manet, Fifer, 1866

Manet, Portrait of Emile Zola, 1868

Manet, Terrace at Sainte-Adresse, 1867

Monet, Impression: Sunrise (The Harbor at Le Havre), 1872

Monet, Boulevard des Capucines, 1873

Renoir, Moulin de la Galette, 1876

Monet, Rouen Cathedral: Effects of Morning Light, 1892-4

Monet, Waterlilies, 1922

Degas, Carriage at the Races, 1872

Degas, Bellelli Family, 1858-67

Degas, In a Café (Absinthe Drinker), 1876

Degas, Place de la Concorde/Vicomte Lepic and his Daughters, 1875

Degas, Rehearsal on Stage, 1874

Cassatt, At the Opera, 1879

Morisot, The Dining Room/ The Little Serving Girl, 1886

Manet, Bar at the Folies-Bergére, 1881