week 5 - Graph Databases Flashcards
Social Graph has two items
1) Vertex
2) Edges
What do Edges represent in a Social Graph
Edges are connections between people
The edges are the connections between you and your friends, so you have an edge between you and your friend because you both friended each other on Facebook for example.
What does a Vertex represent in a Social Graph
a person
Map Graph what are roads
Roads are Edges
Map Graph what are intersections
Neurons are also connected to each other through
Neurons are?
Vertex /Nodes
What is a property graph
Property graph model, where data is organized as nodes, relationships, and properties (data stored on the nodes or relationships).
Two types of graph database
1) Neo4j
2) Apache Titan
What does a graph query return (2 times)
1) path in the graph
2) pattern in the graph
What is the traverse operator in a graph database
Ttraverse basically is that you start from a node and you keep expanding that node looking at the next node and decide whether to expand these nodes or not.
Like going through a tree
What is the traverse operator also called
The expand operator
What is a query coordinator
The graph coordinator optimize the query,
get the finite state machine and algebraic plan,
and sends it to all the partitions.
What languages can represent graph queries
1) Sparkle
2) cipher languages
What do Graph Computation Engines do
Graph computation engines don’t run queries but they run batch processing tasks that need to traverse the graph several times, like to run shortest path queries or page rank workload.
Google’s Graph Computation Engines
open source version called Giraffe
Apache Spark Graph X