Week 5 - Business Cycle Facts & RBC model Flashcards
What is the business cycle?
- Short-run fluctuations between economic downturns.
What is a recession and what happens during a recession?
- A recession is a period of economic downturn when output and employment fall
What are depressions?
- Extended periods of a recession
How has the frequency of recession changed over time?
- Recessions were much more common before the 1980’s and recently have become much less common
How are business cycle fluctuations measured?
- Yt Cyclical = Yt - Yt trend ( the difference between actual output and the trend output
What is procyclical, countercyclical and acyclical
- ProCyclical - Positively correlated with GDP
- CounterCyclical - Negativley correlated with GDP
- ACyclical - Not correlated with GDP
Is; Consumption, Investment, Capital, Hours worked, Productivity and wages ProCyclical, CounterCyclical OR Acyclical?
- Consumption - Procyclical and less volatile than GDP
- Investment - Procyclical, more volatile than output
- Capital - Acrylic, less volatile than output
- Total hours worked - Procyclical and as volatile as output
- Productivity - Pro Cyclical and less volatile than output
Describe the Real Business Cycle model
- No friction
- All markets are competitive
- Shocks to supply side
- Exogenous business shocks to technology
- No role for stabilisation policies
Describe the Keynsian/ New Keynsian model
Friction exists
Non completive markets
Demand shock are the ones which drive the business cycle
A role for policies especially monetary policy
- Friction exists
- Noncompetitive markets
- Demand shock are the ones that drive the business cycle
- A role for policies especially monetary policy
What does the RBC model assume for households?
- They live infinitely
- They decide how much to consume, work and save in order to maximize utility
- Dynamic Model
What does the RBC model assume for firms?
- Produce and sell one good only
- Demands K and L to maximise profit
- Production Technology, with TFP fluctuating over time
- Stochastic Model
What does the RBC model assume for markets?
- Perfectly competitive for final goods, capital and labor
- Supply = Demand, Simultaneously in all markets
- General Equilibrium Model
What is the production technology function equal to?
- Production function has constant returns to scale

State and Explain the Dynamic Budget Constraint
- Income - Consumption = Investment
- rtkt + wtht (Income as its the given amount of resources in each period) - Ct = Kt+1 -(1-depreciation rate)Kt ( This is the difference between capital available at t+1 and the undepreciated portion of Kt, essentially the new capital stock)

What is the household maximization problem?

What 2 assumptions do we make about household expectations?
Households know exactly what’s going on and how the economy works, allowing them to make the best possible forecast
Households know what will happen in the future
- Households knows exactly what’s going on and how the economy works, allowing them to make the best possible forecast
- Households know what will happen in the future