Week 5 Flashcards
How are Group 1 verbs, conjugated in the Imperatif?
(tu) mange
(nous) mangeons
(vous) mangez
’s’ is removed from “tu manges”
When is the Imperatif used?
How are Group 2 verbs conjugated in the Imperatif?
Finis !
Finissons !
Finissez !
How are Group 3 verbs conjugated in the Imperatif?
prends !
prenons !
prenez !
How is Aller conjugated in the Imperatif?
va … !
allons !
allez !
How is Être conjugated in the Imperatif?
sois … !
soyons … !
soyez … !
eg. sois poli(e)
How is Avoir conjugated in the Imperatif?
aie … !
ayons … !
ayez … !
How is Boire conjugated in the Imperatif?
bois !
buvons !
buvez !
How are reflexive verbs like ‘se laver’ conjugated in the Imperatif?
Se Laver
lave-toi !
lavons-nous !
lavez-vous !
How do you negate Imperatif commands?
NE mange PAS
How do you negate Reflexive Imperatif commands?
NE te lave PAS
NE nous lavons PAS
NE vous lavez PAS
What must you do to First Group verbs when using the imperatif?
Drop the ‘s’
What is l’étage?
The floor (ie 1st floor)
What is appartment in French?
l’appartement (m)
What is la fenêtre?
The window
What is le rez-de-chaussée?
The ground floor
What is le/la propriétaire?
What are meublé and équipé?
Equipped (kitchen)
What is le mur?
The wall
What is la pièce?
Room (in a house context)
What is la superficie?
Surface (area of the property)
What is office in French?
le bureau
What is la chambre (d’ami)
Spare room
What is l’armoire (f)?
What is la canapé?
What is l’étagère (f)?
What is le fauteuil?
White-goods (kitchen)
What is le lave-vaiselle?
Dish Washer
What is une machine à laver?
Washing machine
What is un placard?
What is furniture in French?
What is ‘before’ in French?
What is à in English?
to (at/in/to)
What is ‘next to’ in French?
à côté de
What is ‘to the right of’ in English?
à droite de
What is ‘to the left of’ in English?
à gauche de
What is ‘on top of’ in French?
What is ‘under’ in French?
What is ‘in front of’ in French?
What is behind in French?
What is ‘between’ in French?
What is ‘le toit’?
The roof
What is ‘la serrure’?
The lock
What is garden in French?
le jardin
What is corridor in French?
un couloir
What is ‘la plafond’?
What is a baignoire?
What is a douche?
What is un lavabo?
What is un savon?
How are 1st Group verbs conjugated for the passé composé?
To form the past participle for first-group verbs (-ER verbs) and aller too, drop the -er and add -é.
How are 3rd Group verbs conjugated for the passé composé?
To form the past participle for second-group verbs (-IR verbs with -ISSANT), drop the -ir and add -i.
- finir becomes fini
- grandir becomes grandi
What two main tenses can be used to talk about the past?
- situation
- context
passé composé
- an event
- something is active
- it is information
What is ‘last week’ in French?
la semaine dernière
What is ‘yesterday’ in French?
What is ‘last month’ in French?
le mois dernier
How is ‘le passé récent’ constructed?
- Present Tense Venir + De + Verb Infinitif
- To add emphasis ‘juste’ can be added before ‘de’
1. Vous venez de finir les devoirs
2. Vous venez de juste finir les devoirs
3. Elles viennnent de passer leur examen (they have just finished their exam)
What is ‘le passé récent’?
We use le passé récent (the recent past) to talk about completed actions that happened shortly before the moment of speaking.
venir + de + infinitive.
How do you say ‘at least’ in French?
Au moins
How do you say ‘less than’ in French?
moins de
What is the meaning of “que se passe t-il”?
What is happening? Wha’ts going on?
What is countryside in French?
La campagne
What is entrance hall in French?
How do you say ‘dining room’ in French?
la salle à manger
What is floor/s in French (number of floors in a house)?
les étages (m)
How do you express something being ‘near to’ in French?
près de
What is banlieue?
“Banlieue” is a French term that translates to “suburb” or “suburban area”. (fem)
How do you express something being ‘far from’ in French?
“Loin de” + [noun or pronoun]
La plage est loin de chez moi. (The beach is far from my house.)
How would you ask “What number train platform is it?” in French?
“À quel quai est-ce?”
“Quel est le numéro du quai?”
What is ‘main road’ in French?
“route principale” or “grande route.”
How would you ask if an appartment is furnished in French?
“L’appartement est-il meublé ?”
What is the word for ‘furnished’ in French?
How would you ask ‘how many rooms does the house have?’ in French?
“Combien de pièces a la maison ?”
When would you use “Le samedi” and “À samedi”?
“le samedi” pertains to the general concept of Saturdays, “à samedi” focuses on a specific upcoming Saturday and is commonly used when making plans or arrangements for that day.
What is an ‘umbrella’ in French?
The word for ‘umbrella’ in French is ‘parapluie’. It is derived from the French words ‘para’ meaning ‘to protect’ and ‘pluie’ meaning ‘rain’. When used for sun, it is called a ‘parasol’
What are some adjectives that a soldier should be?
Courageux(euse) - Courageous
Dévoué(e) - Devoted
Discipliné(e) - Disciplined
Déterminé(e) - Determined
Valeureux(euse) - Valiant
Loyale - Loyal
Fort(e) - Strong
Fiable - Reliable
Audacieux(euse) - Audacious
Féroce - Fierce
Intraitable - Unyielding
Intrépide - Intrepid
Compétent(e) - Competent
Paternel(le) - Paternal
Respectueux(euse) - Respectful
Tenace - Tenacious
Bravoure - Brave
Adroit(e) - Skillful
Endurant(e) - Enduring
Sacrifié(e) - Self-sacrificing
How do you express the area of an apartment in French?
“La superficie de l’appartement est de 50 mètres carrés.” (The area of the apartment is 50 square meters.)
What are some common items of furniture you would find in a bedroom?
Bed - Lit
Mattress - Matelas
Pillow - Oreiller
Blanket - Couverture
Wardrobe - Armoire
Dresser - Commode
Nightstand - Table de nuit
Lamp - Lampe
Mirror - Miroir
Chair - Chaise
Desk - Bureau
Bookshelf - Étagère à livres
Closet - Placard
Vanity table - Coiffeuse
Chest of drawers - Chiffonnier
Rug - Tapis
Curtains - Rideaux
Hangers - Cintres
Alarm clock - Réveil
Bedside table - Table de chevet
What is the mnemonic to remember verbs that use “être” as the auxiliary verb in the passé composé tense?
Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp
Devenir (to become)
Revenir (to come back)
Mourir (to die)
Rester (to stay)
Sortir (to go out)
Venir (to come)
Aller (to go)
Naître (to be born)
Descendre (to go down)
Entrer (to enter)
Retourner (to return)
Tomber (to fall)
Rentrer (to re-enter)
Arriver (to arrive)
Monter (to go up)
Passer (to pass by)
In broad terms, what type of verbs utilise être as an auxillary in the passé composé?
Motion verbs, arriving and leaving.
What is the meaning of the verb ‘basculer’?
To change dramatically, turned in to
What is ‘on the ground/floor’ in French?
par terre
What is ‘une mauviette’?
A coward
What is the meaning of the word ‘souvent’ in French?