Week 5 Flashcards
What is the difference between an observation-driven model and a parameter-driven model?
Give the definitions of the observation and updating equation of the SV model.
What are the observation- and parameter-driven models primarily used for in Econometrics?
What are the stocastic properties of the unobserved process f_t?
SV model, name four
Show that the conditional mean of an SV model is zero.
Show that the autocovariance of a SV model is zero.
How do you get the conditional variance of the SV model?
What is the log-normal distribution?
What is the unconditional variance of the SV model?
Show the derivation
What is the kurtosis of a SV model?
Give the derivation
Why is an SV model difficult to estimate?
What is the MSV model?
Name the observation equation
How is Σ in a MSV different than in a GARCH-type model?
What is the updating equation of a MSV?
Name the entire MSV model.