Week 5 Flashcards
What is a nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor?
a ligand
gated ion channel.
What is the function of the a ligand
gated ion channel?
An ion channel which is activated that allows sodium ions to enter the cell.
An ion channel which is either activated or deactivated after it binds.
What is Acetylcholine?
is a neurotransmitter at synapses between
motor neurones and muscle cells
What happens when acetylcholine is binded to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (Na+ ion channel)?
results in channel opening and Na+ influx. This results in the generation of an action potential causing Ca2+ influx and muscle contraction. conformational change
What is the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor is composed of?
5 subunits (2xα, 1xβ, 1xγ and 1xδ).
What are the properties of the 5 subunits?
Each subunit is a single
polypeptide containing 4 transmembrane helices (M1-M4).
What do the 5 subunits form?
The 5 subunits form a pentameric structure with a pore in the centre. The M2 helix from each subunit faces into and lines the pore. Together they form the channel “gate”.
What lines the pore of the channel?
M2 helices
What is a characteristic of each helix?
Each helix
has a characteristic kink that forms a constriction or
“gate” in the channel.
What happens when acetylcholine binds to the α subunits?
the gate opens and Na+ enters the muscle cell.
What also happens when acetylcholine binds to the α subunits?
causes all the subunits to rotate very slightly
Why is rotating sufficient?
this is sufficient to
swing the kinked M2 helices outwards such that the gate
opens allowing Na+ entry
plant _______ can be engineered to possibly benefit the human race.
what is found in the lower epidermis?
stomatal pores
What are stomatal pores bounded by?
by 2 highly specialised cells which are known as guard cells
What is the role of guard cells?
shrink and swell leads to pores opening and closing. therefore stomata on leaves behave as valves.
What is evaporation responsible for?
for maintaining the uptake of water and mineral nutrients from the soil.
What does drought lead to?
Pores closing, so allows the plant to perserve its existing supplies and withstand limited periods of drought.
Why is Stomata control evapotranspiration
and CO2 uptake important?
➢ Water and mineral supply ➢ Leaf cooling ➢ Ability to withstand drought ➢ Photosynthesis and dry matter accumulation
Stomata opens when…
- High Relative Humidity
- High light
- Blue light
- Low [CO2]
Stomata closes when…
- Darkness
- High [CO2]
- Low Relative Humidity
what information do guard cells intergrate?
Guard cells integrate information from environmental signals to “set” the most appropriate stomatal aperture to suit the prevailing conditions.
What does a signalling transmission pathway tell you?
This tells us there is an integration rule for these cells as they’re processing multiple signals
What did Francis Darwin find?
Found that stomata close in the dry air of the room.