Week 4- Yang Tonics Part 1 Flashcards
Yang tonics have what taste/temp and go to what channel?
What yang tonics also moisten the intestines for constipation?
- Rou Cong Rong (Cistanches Herba)
- Suo Yang (Cynomorii Herba)
- He Tao Ren (Juglandis Semen)
What due Yao pair tonifies kidney yang, essence, and blood AND moistens intestines for constipation
- Rou Cong Rong (Cistanches Herba)
- Suo Yang (Cynomorii Herba)
Yang tonics that help with bi pain
- Yin Yang Huo (Epimedii Herba) -horny goat weed
- Ba Ji Tian (Morindae officianalis Radix)
- Xian Mao (Curculiginis Rhizoma)
Dui Yao pair for premature ovarian failure
- Yin Yang Huo (Epimedii Herba) -horny goat weed
- Ba Ji Tian (Morindae officianalis Radix)
Warms SP and KD yang, stops diarhhea
- Bu Gu Zhi (Psoraleae Fructus)
-ayruveda herb bakuchi - Yi Zhi Ren (Alpiniae oxyphyllae Fructus)
-black cardamom
Yi Zhi Ren (Alpiniae oxyphyllae Fructus)
-special cooking instructions
crush before cooking
Tonify yang herbs that helps with kidneys grasping the lung qi
- Ge Jie (Gecko)
- He Tao Ren (Juglandis Semen)
- Bu Gu Zhi (Psoraleae Fructus)
-ayruveda herb bakuchi
-Goes to the Ren, Du, Chong, & Dai channels (cold womb, infertility)
-Strengthens primal yang, qi essence, blood, and bones
-Child not having normal growth (failure to thrive)
Lu Rong (Cervi Cornu Pantotrichum)
-young deer antler
-Tonifies kidney yang
-Tonifies kidney and lung yin
-Transform phlegm and stops bleeding (chronic cough)
Dong Chong Xia Cao (Cordyceps) -cordyceps
Tonifies kidney and liver yin for infertility and sinew atrophy
Suo Yang (Cynomorii Herba)
-Post wind stroke hemiplegia
-Tonifies kidneys and fortifies yang- infertility and importance
Yin Yang Huo (Epimedii Herba) -horny goat weed
Warms kidney and dispel damp for cold in the LJ
-Bulging disorder pain
Hu Lu Ba (Trigonellae Semen)
-fenugreek seed
yang tonic food medicine that strengthens the back and knees
He Tao Ren (Juglandis Semen)
yang tonic that helps with Vitiligo
Bu Gu Zhi (Psoraleae Fructus)
-ayruveda herb bakuchi