Week 4 Vocab Flashcards
mu·ta·bil·i·ty noun
the quality of being likely or subject to change
The mutability of weather patterns during hurricane season is astounding and makes it difficult to predict storms.
ma·lig·ni·ty noun
quality of being disposed to evil;intense ill will
There was a malignity between the two princes who were fighting for the throne.
doc·ile adjective
easy to manage or control; obedient
The docile children went to bed without complaining because they were very tired.
spurn verb
to reject or refuse to accept someone or something, because it is deemed unworthy
Even the family dog spurned the burnt meatloaf.
in·clem·en·cy noun
(of the weather) quality of being severe, rough, and stormy
Due to the inclemency of the weather, we were forced to postpone our picnic at the park.
suf·fi·cient adjective
describing a quantity that can fulfill a need without being abundant; being enough
I am not too hungry, so this salad will be sufficient
a·mi·a·ble adjective
friendly, agreeable
The new neighbors were very amiable when I said hello.
con·cil·i·ate verb
to overcome the hostility or mistrust of
The shopkeeper tried to conciliate the disgruntled customer.
ca·dence noun
a regular rhythm or beat
The steady cadence of the drums helped the soldiers march in unison.