Week 4- The Streptococci and Enterococci Flashcards
how many genera of medical importance is there In the family of streptococcaceae
- streptococcus
- enterococcus
how is gram positive cocci (GPC) often arranged
in chains or pairs
what are the characteristics of streptococci
non-motile, non-sporing, fastidious facultative anaerobe
how many species of streptococci is there
less than 80
what kind of organisms are streptococci
comensal organisms
(typically of the mucous membranes of upper respiratory tract, and some species in the intestines)
how is streptococci separated into groups
- by colony appearance on horse blood agar (BA)
- by lancefield grouping
what streptococci colonies are there
- Alpha (α) haemolytic streptococci
- Beta (β) haemolytic streptococci
- non haemolytic streptococci
what are Alpha (α) haemolytic streptococci
S. pneumoniae and ‘viridans’ group streptococci (VGS)
what is Alpha (α) haemolytic streptococci
- Colonies greenish appearance, approx. 1 mm diameter
(Oxidation of haemoglobin to methaemoglobin = green) - No actual haemolysis
what do VGS tend to be
commensal, opportunistic pathogens of low virulence
what is Beta (β) haemolytic streptococci
- Complete lysis of RBC
- Zone of clearing around the colony
- Colonies approx. 1 mm diameter, no pigmentation
- GPC in chains
- catalase negative reaction
what is non-haemolytic streptococci
No effect on RBC
(also known as gamma (γ) haemolysis)
who discovered lancefield grouping
Rebecca Lancefield (1895-1981)
what is lancefield grouping
Separated streptococci on their version of a major cell wall polysaccharide antigen
what group is lancefield group clinically applied to
β-haemolytic streptococci
how do enterococcal colonies appear on BA
α-haemolytic, β-haemolytic streptococci and non-haemolytic
what catalase is enterococcal colonies
catalase negative
what antigen is used for enterococcal colonies in lancefield grouping
D antigen
what gram is Presumptive Streptococcus species
Gram positive cocci
what catalase is Presumptive Streptococcus species
catalase negative
what should a catalase test be performed for
for gram positive bacteria
how do you perform a catalase test
- Dispense 50μl of hydrogen peroxide into a bijou
- Transfer one colony of the test strain to the opposite side of the bijou
- Cap the bijou
- Tip the hydrogen peroxide over the colony and observe
- Bubbles of oxygen indicate a positive reaction, no bubbles a negative reaction
what does group specific antibody conjugated to latex beads react with
with cell wall polysaccharide
what groups are of the greatest medical importance
A, B, C, D, F, and G
what is group A β - haemolytic streptococci are sensitive to
what’s resistant to bacitracin
other β - haemolytic streptococci