Week 4 Test Flashcards
What are the 4 weapon safety rules?
- ) Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.
- ) Never point a weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot.
- ) Keep finger straight and off the trigger until ready to fire.
- ) Keep weapon on safe until you intend to fire.
What are the different range personnel?
Medical Personnel (EAP), Range Guards, Line Coach, Range Safety Officer, Primary Range Safety Officer, Range Officer in Charge.
When is an E-7 or above required on the range?
M203/MK19 (dud-producing rounds)
What are the 7 Fundamentals of Marksmanship?
Grip, Body Position, Sight Alignment, Sight Picture, Trigger Control, Breathing, Follow Through.
What is the operators manual for the M203?
What is the technical manual for the M203?
What is the cycle of ops for the M203
Fire, Unlock, Extracting, Ejecting, Cocking, Loading, Chambering, Locking,
What is the Max Range for the M203?
437 yards / 400 meters
What is the max effective range POINT for the M203?
164 yards / 150 meters
What is the max effective range AREA for the M203?
382 yards / 350 meters
What kind of ammunition does the M203 use?
4mm low velocity
What is the minimum arming range for the M203 ammunition?
14 - 38 meters
What is the safe firing range for the M203;
Training -
Combat -
Training - 181 yards / 165 meters
Combat - 34 yards / 31 meters
What is the M203 LEAF SIGHT increments?
Marked in 50 meters
Min 50 meters Max 250 meters,
What is the M203 QUADRANT SIGHT increments?
Marked at 25 meters
Min 50 meters Max 400 meters,
What is the form for a Range Card?
DA Form 5517-R
What are the two sections of a Range Card?
Sketch Section,
Data Section,
What does SDZ stand for?
Surface Danger Zone
Dealing with ricochets
What is the Blank Fire Training Safe Separation Distance (SSD) on a range?
Seven Meters
Dispersion angle of 10 degrees
Machine gun fire is classified into what three areas
The Ground,
The Gun,
The Target,
What does the acronym PICMDEEP stand for?
P -Pairs, I - Interlocking Fire, C -Coordination Fire, M - Mutual Support, D - Positioned in Defilade, E - Enflade Fire, E - Economy, P - Protection,