Week 4: Pre-processing Flashcards
Goals of preprocessing
- Minimising the influence of data acquisition and physiological artifacts
- To check statistical assumptions and transform the data to meet these assumptions
- To standardize the locations of brain regions across subjects to achieve validity and sensitivity in group analysis
Different (potential) preprocessing steps
- Visualization and artifact removal
- Slice time correction
- Motion correction
- Physiological corrections
- Co-registration
- Normalization
- Spatial filtering / smoothing
- Temporal filtering
Spike artifacts
- sudden large intensity increases in the signal across the entire brain that likely reflect scanner instabilities
- One way to deal with these artifacts is to “censor” bad timepoints using a nuisance predictor
- RMSSD: value that reflects the difference between every timepoint of the signal and the signal at timepoints (t-1), which is then squared (to inflate), averaged (to get a single value) and then rooted (for point 0, we use the same value as point 1).
- Once we have found the spikes, to remove their influence, we can simply add a nuisance predictor for each spike, in which the predictor contains zeros at timepoints without the spike and 1 at the timepoint with a spike.
Rigid body registration
- Example of a more general affine registration
- Used in motion correction and co-registration processes
- We assume that the brain is a rigid body that may move around and try to correct for this movement
- The goal is to find the best alignment between an input image and some target image
- The target image is usually defined to be the first (or middle) image in the fMRI time series
- Align all the rest of the images to this one to make sure the voxels are aligned
- HAS 6 DF: 3 sets of translations (X, Y, Z) and 3 sets of rotations (X, Y, Z)
Similarity registration
- has 7 DOF: translation, rotation and a single global scaling
Affine registration
(and the affine matrix)
- has 12 DF: 3 sets of translations, 3 sets of rotations, 3 sets of scaling and 3 sets of shearing
- the affine matrix describes how the coordinates from the original (non-corrected) image relate to the corrected image
- X, y, z (in the affine matrix) = the translation values in x, y and z directions, which are multiplied by the current coordinates
- We try to look for a cost function that assesses similarity between the image and the target to find rotations and translations that minimize the amount of changes we have to apply to the un-corrected image
Warping vs. Shearing
image warping: an image warping is simply a
mapping from the pixels in one
image to pixels in another
image shearing: stretching the image in 3 directions
Overall, non-linear registration operations allow for local transformations (i.e., some voxels might be transformed “more” than others).
Cost functions (in the context of motion correction)
assesses similarity between the image and the target to find the best alignement for the minimum cost (least amount of transformations possible)
- Process of overlaying an anatomical scan over the functional scan
- PROS: better visualization of results AND it simplifies the later transformation of the fMRI images to a standard coordinate system
- IMPORTANT: it differs from motion correction, which is the process of estimating and correcting for the head motion of the subject during the acquisition of a series of fMRI image
Motion correction happens BEFORE co-registration
Issue with slice time correction (STC)
STC is actually quite controversial. Some believe it improves sensitivity of analyses, but others have shown that STC worsens motion-induced noise (by propagating noise-related signal through slices). It seems generally agreed upon that for relatively fast TRs (<2000 ms.), STC does not improve sensitivity of analyses.
Normalization (and the associated pros/cons)
- All brains differ in anatomy (e.g., variation in the shape)
- Normalization allows one to stretch, squeeze (using affine registration, 12 DOF) and warp each brain so that it is the same as some standard brain (from a template)
- we warp the co-registered scan into a template space (using a 12 DOF affine + warping, hence non-linear registration, allowing for local - and not global - voxel adjustement)
- PROS: Consistent, Allows to compare subjects, Can be compared across studies, Allows Averaging
- CONS: Reduces spatial resolution, Introduces potential errors
Different atlases (Talairach, MNI)
Talairach space:
* Based on a cadaver of 60-year-old woman
* Based on a single hemisphere
* Origin is set in the Anterior Commissure
* Oriented so that a line joining the AC and the PC is horizontal
MNI space:
* Combo of many MRI scans of right-handed controls
* More representative
* We do not have to use the MNI template necessarily, but we almost always report our results in the MNI coordinate space
Different normalization methods
- Landmark based method: align anatomical features (landmarks) in different brains
- Volume-based registration (the one we have described so far): linear (e.g., affine) and non-linear transformations (e.g., warping)
- Computational anatomy: diffeomorphic transformations
- Surface-based methods: work on cortical surfaces (e.g., blow-up the brain)
Spatial smoothing (and the associated pros/cons)
- Spatial smoothing is a type of low pass filtering, namely, we want to get rid of the high frequencies in the normalized scan
- therefore, we convolve the normalized structural scan with gaussian filter (the width of the gaussian filter si given by the FWHM value)
- by smoothing, we can increase the signal-to-noise ratio & validate distributional assumptions & remove artifacts
- PROS: May overcome limitations by blurring residual anatomical differences; Can increase SNR > we keep the same signal but decrease the noise; May increase the validity of statistical analysis; may improve spatial normalization
- CONS: Reduce the spatial resolution
Concept of FWHM
- The size of the gaussian kernel in spatial smoothing is determined by the full width at half maximum height (FWHM), which measures the width of the kernel at 50% of its peak value
- The FWHM is directly proportional to the standard deviation (sigma) of the gaussian kernel