Week 4 POC Block 4 Flashcards
Position Classification
When a civilian job is created or changed significantly, the immediate supervisor of the position will develop a job description identifying the duties, responsibilities, and supervisory relationships of the job
Informal Disputes
A supervisor to whom an informal grievance has been presented must attempt to resolve it and ensure the employee is given a written decision on the matter within 15 calendar days (but no later than 30 calendar days) after the date of initial presentation.
Term Appointment: reasons
project work extraordinary workload scheduled abolishment of a position reorganization uncertainty of future funding contracting out of the function
Performance Feedback – Progress Review
At least one progress review will take place during the appraisal period
Types of appointments: NAF civilians
- Regular (guaranteed 20-40 hr/wk)
- Flexible (need of activity determine/ 0-40hr/wk)
Managers and Supervisors of NAF Employees
Supervisors must initiate personnel actions and maintain records on their employees with the assistance of the NAF Human Resource Office (HRO) staff.
Disciplinary Actions
Oral admonishment
give all disciplinary actions in writing
with the exception of oral admonishment
Annual Leave
Employees may not carry more than 240 hours of leave from one leave-year to the next
- “Tier 0”
- single entry point for AF personnel services and information.
- concept rapidly implements reliable, integrated and secure information technology to improve personnel services accessibility and usability.
- supports the Personnel Services Delivery Transformation (PSDT), delivering human resource services as quickly, as seamlessly, and as efficiently as possible anytime and anywhere an Airman might be.
Personnel Service Delivery (PSD)
The PSD Guide is revised continually with additional details for web-based personnel processing applications (PPAs) to ensure availability of the most current information and guidance.
The PSD Guide web page contains links
Customer Support
Force Development Flight/Education and Training Section
Commanders may utilize the BLSDM dashboard to request the following personnel transactions.
Request decoration RIP (DECOR 6)
Request change of reporting official (CRO)
Report duty status change
Commanders may also use BLSDM the dashboard to request the following rosters.
Unit Personnel Management Roster (UPMR)
Most Popular VMPF Applications
Out-processing. This application is used for those who are out-processing. You can check your personal information and get a list of those tasks needed to complete before you are able to out-process a base.
Self Service Applications - Vmpf
Retraining. This module provides the capability for first term and career Airman to request voluntary retraining under the Career Airmen Reenlistment Reservation System (CAREERS) program or the Non-Commissioned Officer Retraining Program (NCORP).
The virtual Personnel Center for Guard and Reserve (vPC-GR) Dashboard
is a centralized location that allows ANG and Reserve members to
- manage their profiles
- submit online applications (e.g. decorations, evaluations, training reports, etc)
- review/coordinate on existing applications
- create and run individual reports
Summary of Cases Requiring Action. AKA CMS “in-boxes”
this is where a user locates cases assigned to his/her agency
CMS: Enter/Update/Request Status on a Case
- user can enter a new case, update an existing case, or request status on a case
- allows any user to attach a document to the case. NOTE: Clicking the “Enter a New CMS Case” or the “Enter a New HR Case” button and then clicking on “View Definitions” link provides a brief summary of each case type or “problem.”
How do all the paper forms and documents make their way into ARMS?
- The MPS will receive the document record from various sources; using the ARMS OSD guide, they will determine if the record requires filing in ARMS. If so, they will prepare AF IMT 330 (Figure 2.19) and mail the document to AFPC.
- AFPC will electronically scan the document and load it into ARMS.
one of the Virtual Personnel Services Center (vPSC) application modules and will augment the current capability to search electronic record documents stored as images within the Automated Records Management System (ARMS) for the purpose of searching, viewing, or printing.
Discoverer enables
leaders at all levels (Military Personnel Section, MAJCOM, AFPC, ANG, ARPC, Air Staff, etc.) to make faster and more informed business decisions regarding personnel
General Information (MAPS)
As a minimum, the HRSM/PSM will schedule, produce and suspense the MAPs to assist the MPS work centers with data integrity clean up monthly
MAPs and MPS Management Tool
were designed to help identify potential MilPDS database errors and assist with database integrity issues
TRs (transaction registers) reflect
all transactions processed, either successfully or unsuccessfully, during each daily online session
The narrative field is (TR’s, transaction registers)
This field, in conjunction with the FMT ID (File Monitor) field, will indicate whether action is required or not
A Control Roster (CR) is
a commander’s rehabilitative tool to establish a 6-month observation period for individuals whose duty performance is substandard, or who fail to meet or maintain Air Force standards of conduct, bearing, and integrity, on or off duty
STANDARDS: Dress and Appearance
Air Force Instruction 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel directs the wear of uniforms, insignias, awards and decorations
Installation Commander: Responsibilities
Responsible for supplementing AFI 36-2903 with base specific requirements
DEERS is used to
-verify and confirm the eligibility for those individuals receiving Uniformed Service benefits (to include ID cards) AND for those on active duty, retired, family members, surviving family members, Guard/Reserve personnel who are activated for a period in excess of 30 days
DEERS: The system is used to
forecast and allocate resources for building and staffing your hospitals, schools, and commissaries, while also providing the means by which individuals are granted access to these facilities
In order for an MPS to produce an ID card
it must first have the RAPIDS equipment to do it.
Active Duty Service Commitments (ADSCs)
There are a number of reasons individuals incur ADSCs, everything from permanent change of station (PCS) to completion of education (using tuition assistance) or formal training courses. The Air Force establishes ADSCs for all active duty members who participate in ADSC-incurring events, and they usually serve new ADSCs concurrently with existing ADSCs