Week 4 Objectives/ Lecture Flashcards
- What is the difference between a physiologic shunt and an anatomic shunt?
physiologic shunt includes the sum anatomical and intrapulmonary shunts (areas that are either not ventilated or not perfused); an anatomic shunt is an area where there is no ventilation
- What is the shunt fraction and how can it be calculated?
shunt fraction is the comparison of shunted flow over the total flow which is calculated by comparing the ventilation rate and the composition of CO2 (alveoli that are ventilated and perfused will give of CO2)
How is pulmonary shunt measured in a clinical setting?
it is estimated by the A-a gradient at high FlO2; if the PaO2 «_space;PAO2 at high FlO2 suggests large shunt– if there is a high concentration of oxygen in air into lungs but a low oxygen concentration in arterial blood, there is a large shunt
What is FlO2?
fraction of oxygen in inspired air
- The final common pathway for rhythmic activation of the respiratory muscles is located where?
in the medulla below the cerebellar peduncle and above C1
- What afferent input information does this system use to control the rate and depth of breathing?
Reflexes from lungs (stretch receptors on vagal afferents), airways, CV system, muscles and joints as well as reflexes from arterial chemoreceptors and central chemoreceptors
Where is the pneumotaxic and modulating integration of breathing located in the brainstem?
pneumotaxic center (regular breathing) in pons, integration center in the medulla
Name the two respiratory centers in the medulla and their function
dorsal respiratory group is responsible for basic respiratory rhythm (nucleus tracts solitaries), ventral respiratory group is responsible for modulating basic respiratory rhythm (nucleus retroambiguous)
- Name some examples of activities that can override the respiratory controller to affect breathing.
during exercise or even speech, respiratory control can be overridden
- What nerves conduct efferent signals to the respiratory muscles of the diagphragm
phrenic nerve which is acted upon by the nucleus of the tracts solitarius
What do peripheral chemoreceptors sense?
O2 and H+ concentrations in arterial blood; aortic bodies are less important in the manipulation of breathing BONUS: carotid bodies sensing O2 is not affected by anemia or CO because it measured dissolved O2 and requires a large amount of blood to do this
- Transection of the brainstem at what level causes breathing to cease?
transection of the medulla causes breathing to cease completely
- Voluntary suppression of breathing ends at the so-called break point. What stimuli are responsible for this
rising CO2 partial pressure is detected by arterial baroreceptors
58 What nerves conduct afferent lung stretch receptor info to the respiratory control center?
large myelinated fibers in the vagus nerve, which enter the brainstem and project to DRG, the apneustic center and the pontine respiratory groups
- What physiological purpose are served by occasional, involuntary sighs?
help to prevent atelectasis
- What is the diving reflex and what is its function?
produced by the immersion of face in liquid which is sensed by receptors in the nose and face and carried via the trigeminal nerve causing respiratory apnea along with decreased heart rate and vasoconstriction
Hypoxia does not stimulate breathing until PaO2 falls to what partial pressure
PaO2 falls below 60 mmHg (normal 100 mmHg) found on the “shoulder” of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (note changes in breathing are only a short-term adjustment)
What is meant by the fact that hypoxia potentates ventilatory response to CO2?
a hypoxic patient is more sensitive to changes in CO2, ventilatory response to CO2 is also potentiated by pH