Week 4 - Number Flashcards
What is number sense
How well a child constructs the meaning of numbers fluidity and flexibly and their ability to mentally compute. Applies to everyday life.
What is numeration
The content and processes taught in maths lessons. The formal understanding of processing numbers and understanding them in relation to interpreting and notating.
What is mental computation?
To be able to solve problems mentally without pen and paper.
Essential for everyday life*
What do students need to mentally compute?
Understand the concept to organise their thinking
Know basic number facts and strategies
4 steps of mental computation
- Decide what operation to perform
- Select a strategy for carrying out the operation
- Perform the operation
- Make sense of the number
How is mental computation fostered?
- Open tasks
- Work with quantities not symbols
- Use student language
- Rely on context for cues
Where does mental computation come from?
Number sense and activities everyday with maths tasks
Know ledge of number facts
Exploring a range of useful mental strategies
Teaching sequence for place value
- Concept
- Language
- Symbols
- Practice
- Renaming
- Comparing
- Sequence/order
- Adjust
Uses for numeration
Prime number
Number that can be divided by 1 or itself
Composite number
3 or more factors
The big 7 thinking strategies
Addition and subtraction
- Count on/back
- Doubles/halving
- Used for 10, 8 and 9
Big 7 multiplication and division strategies
- Double (x2), (x4) and DDD (x8)
- Counting for x5 and x10
- Real world for 0x and 1x
- Build up for x3 and x6 and down for x9
Resources for place value and numeration
Function machine
Numeral expander
Subsidising square and cubic numbers
3 x 3 = 9 and this is a square number
Triangular numbers
Obtained by adding the counting numbers from 1
Different bases
Base 10 - mainly used
Place value
Base 5
Base 2 - binary coding
Representing large numbers