Week 4 - Land Registration Flashcards
The Land Registration Act 2002 (LRA
2002) introduced compulsory registration
in England and Wales. True or False?
False. Compulsory registration had been in place since
the 1990’s. The 2002 Act increased the range of
triggering events.
Where in the Act are compulsory first
registration requirements set out?
ss. 4 - 7
s.2 of the Land Registration Act 2002 sets
out the information that will be kept on the
register. True or False?
False. s.2 sets out the scope of the Act – the legal
interests that it applies to.
What is the purpose of the Land Registry?
To register, and maintain details of the ownership of land
in England and Wales
The Land Registry is a sub-division of the
Treasury. True or False?
False. They are a non-ministerial department operating
under the governance of BEIS.
What does the Mirror principle require?
That the information on the register should reflect the
actual ownership of the land and any other legal rights
(easements etc.)
The Curtain principle allows a buyer to
hide any other properties that they also
own. True or False?
False, it ‘hides’ details relating to trusts that the
purchaser does not need to know.
What is the purpose of the Insurance (or
Guarantee) principle?
To protect purchasers from errors or deficiencies in the
Register data. It provides compensation for losses
where data is not robust and the Land Registrar is at
Name the four classes of registered title
Absolute (freehold and leasehold).
Good leasehold (freeholder reversion cannot be
verified). Can be upgraded.
Possessory (freehold and leasehold). No deeds.
Upgrade after 12 years. Title only safe after
Qualified. Used if other titles not available for some
What is meant by Absolute registered title?
Freehold and leasehold
What is meant by Good Leasehold registered title?
Freeholder reversion cannot be
verified. Can be upgraded.
What is meant by Possessory registered title?
Freehold and leasehold. No deeds.
Upgrade after 12 years. Title only safe after
What is meant by Qualified registered title?
Used if other titles not available for some
If you want to make a first registration of
land, you must have the title deeds. True
or False?
False. There Is provision under R.27 of the Land
Registration Rules 2003 and s.9(5) of the LRA 2002.
What is an overriding interest?
An unregistered right that bind purchasers.
Name two overriding interests
Choose from: Short leases Interests of those in actual occupation Easements Adverse possession Profits a prendre Customary right Public right Local land charge Mineral and mining rights Some social housing tenancies PPP leases governed by s.90 LRA 2002
All overriding interests must be disclosed.
True or false?
False. ss. 33 & 90(4) LRA 2002 and Rules 28(2) & 57(2)
Land Registration Rules 2003.