Week 4- Infant Flashcards
In the first year, infants grow ___-____cm triple their body weight
25-30 cm
a) What is synaptogenesis?
b) what is synaptic pruning?
c) what are synapses?
a) synaptogenesis are the creation of synapses followed by a period of synaptic pruning to make the nervous system more efficient
b) synaptic pruning is a natural process that occurs in the brain between early childhood and adulthood. The brain eliminates extra synapses to get rid of simple, unnecessary structures to replace them with complex ones
c) synapses are brain structures that allow neurons to transmit a signal to another neuron
what are the purposes of neuroplasticity and myelinization?
neuroplasticity is the brains ability to recognize neural pathways and be flexible with organization of signals
myelinization is when myelin covers axons of neurons and insulates them from one another to improve conductivity
What are the 5 types of reflexes? Explain each
- adaptive = ex: sucking to help newborns survive
- primitive = controlled by primitive parts of the brain
- rooting = a soft touch on the cheek causes an infant to turn toward the touch and open the month
- babinski = stroking the sole of the foot causes infants toes to fan out and up
- moro = sudden noise or loss of support causes the infant to arch the back and throw the arms and legs out. then bring them back in
- T/F: some adaptive reflexes persist throughout life.
- T/F: primitive reflexes disappear by about 10 months of age
- ______ reflex disappears by about 3 months
- babinski reflexes disappears by about ____ months of age
- T/F: moro reflexes disappear after 6-7 months
- T
- F. 6 months
- rooting
- 12 months
- F. 4-5 months
the moro reflex is hypothesized to help the baby ____ to the mother
- newborns sleep ___% of the time
- by __ weeks, babies will begin to sleep throughout the night
- by 6 months, babies are sleeping about ___ hours a day
- 80%
- 6 weeks
- 14 hours
- what type of cry signals hunger?
- what type of cry signals anger?
- what type of cry signals pain?
- basic cry, rhythmic pattern
- louder and intense
- abrupt onset
explain each stage of motor development with the loco, non-loco, manipulative actions involved:
- 1 month
- 2-3 months
- 4-6
- 7-9
- 10-12
- 13-18
1 month: loco = stepping reflex, non-loco= lifts head slightly and follows object with eyes, mani = hold objects in hand
2-3 months: loco= none, non-loco = lifts head to 90 degrees when lying on stomach, mani= swipe at objects in sight
4-6 months: loco= rolls over, sits with support, non-loco = can hold head up while sitting, mani = reaches for objects
7-9 months: loco= sits with support, crawls, non-loco = none, mani= transfer objects from one hand to another
10-12 months: loco= stand with furniture and walk alone, non-loco = squats and stoops, mani= holds a spoon but has bad aim to mouth
13-18 months: loco= walks backward, sideways and runs, non-loco= rolls ball, claps, mani= stacks blocks, puts in containers
19-24 months: loco = goes up and down stairs, non-loco= jumps, mani= feed itself
explain the difference between girls and boys in motor development
girls = ahead in motor skills, specifically manipulative
boys = more developmental delays and more active
- according to WHO, breastfeeding should be done for the first __-__ months and continued until __ years of age
- breastfed babies are less likely to suffer from illness as it stimulates better _____ functioning
- T/F: mother-infant social interactions are different between formula-fed babies and breast-fed babies with the same maternal attention
- 4-6, 2
- immune
- F. it’s the same
- Canada’s infant mortality rate has ________ from ___/1000 to ___/1000
- ___ is the leading cause of death between 29 days and 1 year of age
- decreased, 134/1000 to 5/1000
- how can you reduce the risk of SIDS?
- co-sleeping is common in ____
- no beddings, sleeping on hard surfaces, sleep near parents, smoke free
- asia, europe
explain the 3 sensory characteristics and what occurs as an infant develops these senses
- vision/hearing: poor at birth, develops rapidly
- touch/motion: best developed of all the sense
- taste/smell: unlimited variations
Answer based on perceptual skills:
1. at ___ months, infants can distinguish sound contrast in any language
2. by ___ years old, this fades and is limited to the sound contrast of their native language
- 6
- 2