Week 4 - How to Play Table Tennis Flashcards
A game is considered won by a player or pair if he/she/they scored ____
points ahead of the other person/pair.
11 pts
If it comes to an instance of a tie
between scores of 10 points, they earn an extra play wherein the player or
pair that gains ____ points first will be the winner.
2 pts
A match consists of the best of any odd number of games, depending on the
competition or what is agreed upon by both players. The winner of the match
is decided once a player or pair wins the first three or four games, depending
on the competition rules
The player or pair that successfully ends a rally will be rewarded with a
point. In a game, the server’s score will always be announced first.
Muyot, et.al. (2015) gave the following errors in which an opponent commits
that leads to a gain in a player’s score:
The opponent fails to return the ball
The opponent returns the ball outside the area of the opposite side.
The opponent lets the ball more than once on the table before hitting
it or returning it.
The opponent touches the ball multiple times during the game
The opponent strikes the ball without bouncing it on the table above
his/her side of the table
The opponent moves the table during the game
Any part of the opponent’s body touches the net or post
The opponent’s free hand makes contact with the table
The opponent makes a bad serve.
The ball is considered “_____” if the ball touches the surface of the playing table.
Through a quick game of toss (as in the badminton toss method), the winner
has the rein to choose whether he/she will be serving first or what end
he/she will choose to play in. The other player will be taking the
opposite/other choice.
According to International Table Tennis Federation’s (ITFF) Handbook, every
two points scored by either player or pair will determine the serving player
or pair. In a game of a doubles match, both pairs will have to choose who
among them would serve and receive first. At the event of a change in
service, the previous receiver will be the server and his/her teammate will
be the receiver.
The players or pairs starting on one end of the table will start playing at the
opposite end for the next game in the match, while in the last game, once a
player or pair reaches 5 points, they would have to switch ends.
The server is decided by a toss method. The server changes after every 2
points, except at the instance of extra play. The player starts the service with
the ball resting freely on the palm of his open hand.
Mutoy, et.al. (2015) enumerated the following rules in service:
The hand holding the ball must be above the level of the table
The ball should be projected upwards (of at least 16 cm)
The ball must be struck when it is falling and behind the table.
The ball should be able to bounce in one court before going over to
the opponent’s court.
Service is usually done diagonally but a singles game may also be
served in a straight line.
Service is repeated if the ball touches the net
refers to the period in which the ball is in play.
a ball is considered _____ once the player projects it into
service from being at the palm of the free hand of the server, until the
rally ends in a point or a let
In play
refers to the rally which resulted in a no score
refers to the rally which ended with a score
the hand or arm that is not carrying a racket
Free hand
the player that strikes the ball first in a rally.
the player that strikes the ball after a server in a rally.
the person controlling a match.
The rally is declared a let according to the following conditions:
If the ball touches the net upon service, provided that the service is
correct or the ball has been obstructed by the opposing player.
If the player fails to serve or return the ball due to a disturbance
outside the player’s control.
If the play has been interrupted by the umpire
If the receiver, who is in a wheelchair due to a physical disability,
touches the court then returns in the direction of the net, comes to
rest on the court, or leaves the court after touching it or its sidelines
The play may be interrupted under the following conditions:
If there is a need to correct an error in the serving, receiving or ends
If a player or adviser must be warned or penalized
If the play is disturbed which could affect the overall outcome of the
A point is rewarded to player in the following instances:
The opponent fails to serve the ball correctly
The opponent fails to return the ball correctly
The opponent, after making a serve or return, lets the ball touch
anything other than the net before the other player strikes it.
The ball passes over a player’s side of the court or beyond the end line
without touching his/her court after the opponent strikes it.
The ball passes through the net, between the net and the net post or
between the net and playing surface.
The opponent obstructs the ball
The opponent intentionally strikes the ball twice or more in
The opponent moves the playing surface
The opponent touches the playing surface
The opponent’s free hand touches the surface of the table
In a doubles competition, the opposing player strikes the ball out of
sequence established by the first server and first receiver.
Some additional rules for a doubles game (Mutoy, et.al., 2015):
The player starting the game must serve diagonally across the court (from
his/her right half court to the opponent’s right half court). After the serve,
the players are free to be in play within the table with proper turn sequence
between the pair.
The service changeover in doubles is as follows:
A1 serves to B1
B1 serves to A2
A2 serves to B2
B2 serves to A1
The server changes every 2 services. Each player in each team alternates to
return the ball after the service.
If the ball hits the side of the table, then it will be declared “___”