Week 4: GAD Flashcards
What is the difference between GAD worrying and other worrying?
- negative meta-cognitions about worrying
- worrying constantly switches to different topics
GAD worrying VS Normal Worrying?
GAD Worrying:
1. worrying experiences as uncontrollable
2. worrying about multiple subjects
3. problems because of worrying
4. impaired function because of worrying
Normal Worrying:
1. worrying experienced as controllable
2. worrying mostly about one topic
3. no remaining problems
4. no impaired functioning
OCD vs GAD, which is ego-dystonic vs egosyntonic?
OCD perceives their problems as ego-dystonic; not fitting with their personality, unwanted and forced and GAD perceives their problems as egosyntonic; fitting with their personality, often ambivalence against worrying
How to differentiate quickly between GAD worrying and other types?
ask pt “ If the problem you are worrying about would be fixed would your complaints be over?”
- yes (Not GAD)
- no (possibly GAD)
GAD vs OCD differential diagnosis
- egosyntonic (GAD) vs egodystonic (OCD)
- obsessions or compulsions are done to prevent worrying (GAD) vs if they are done to prevent danger (OCD)
- GAD worries center around realistic day-to-day topics while OCD obsessions are often odd and inappropriate
- GAD worries are mostly verbal (not in pictures) VS OCD obsessions are also in pictures
- GAD: Content of worries is dynamic VS OCD: obsessions are static and constant
What is the functioning of worrying for GAD patients?
associated with motivation to prevent or avoid potential danger
- often perceived as a coping strategy but can become the focus of an individual concern
- often starts out as a coping (positive appraisal of worry) and then later develops into a concern (negative meta worry).
- GAD worries are predominately verbal (problematic as it visual worries can help see more objectively and thinking in words is harder to calm yourself down from)
DSM 5 Diagnosis of GAD
a. excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation) occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about a number of events or activities
b. individual finds it difficult to control the worry
c. anxiety and worry are associated with three or more of the following symptoms ( some symptoms having been present for more days than not for the past 6 months)
- restlessness or feeling on edge
- being easily fatigued
- difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
- irritability
- muscle tension
- sleep disturbance ( difficulty falling sleep, staying asleep, restless, unsatisfying sleep)
D. anxiety, worry or physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning
E. disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects of substance use or other medical conditions
f. disturbance is not better explained by another mental health disorder
make sure to explicitly ask “ do you worry?”
Comorbidity with other disorders
- High comorbidity with other mental disorders as well as with general medical conditions, both to which lead to complex clinical presentation
- Amongst GAD patients, 66% had at least one concurrent psychiatric disorder
- Frequently comorbid with MDD, other anxiety disorders, strongly associated with chronic pain conditions, medically unexplained somatic symptoms and sleep disorders
- highest comorbid with MDD
Overall GAD facts/ prognosis
- High severity and impairment
- No other anxiety disorders a rate of severity as high as that of GAS including having impairment in occupational or social functioning
- Associated with impairment in life satisfaction and well-being that is (at least) comparable to that of patients suffering from other prevalent psychological disorders
- Without treatment prognosis is poor
- Unrecognized GAD results in intensive use of healthcare facilities for a long period in which patients are confronted with unnecessary and often costly and ineffective medical examination and treatments
- Better recognition would allow for earlier and adequate treatment of GAD
GAD is a strong predictor of?
- later depressive disorder
- other secondary disorders,
- Therapy resistance in comorbid depression
- GAD also worsens the prognosis of chronic physical conditions while successful treatment of gad leads to a considerable reduction of comorbid symptoms
- Pharmacological treatment of GAD significantly decreased the risk of subsequent onset of major depression
What makes GAD so difficult compared to other anxiety disorders? and why does this happen?
Threat is unclear ;
In most anxiety disorders (social or phobia) it is generally clear what needs to be escaped or avoided (spiders, social situation) but in GAD there is no clear threat from what needs to be escaped or avoided or to escape or to attack
- GAD frequently observe threats, and in response to these anticipated dangers, fight- or flight reactions are activated
Maladaptive Coping strategies of GAD
- positive appraisal of worrying: Worrying is positively reinforced as it results in a decreased physiological and emotional response
- Worrying negatively reinforced: as the feared catastrophes generally do not come true ( not many distaste actually occur day to day)
( see worrying as a way to prevent disasters) - Verbal-linguistic kind of thinking about upcoming problems serves to avoid the negative effect associated with the threat
GAD vs Social Anxiety
SAD: fear will always be fear or being judged negatively or behaving in an embarrassing or humiliating matter
distinction : avoidance behavior: patients with SAD avoid the stimulus that they fear as much as possible and it seems to be primarily this avoidance behavior that disrupts their social and professional functioning
Pts with GAD also can report avoiding social situations or events that could lead to worrying but their suffering is mainly the result of their excessive and uncontrollable worrying
Adjustment disorder VS GAD
- The difference with GAD is that the symptoms of an adjustment disorder by definition may not exist for longer than 6 months after the stressor (or the consequences of the stressor)
- Stressor of being in debt can go on for a long time and can lead to other stressors such as child bills, not having enough money for food etc - still adjustment disorder if patients do not ( or hardly) perceive the worrying as uncontrollable
- If that stressor went away then their worrying would go away - adjustment
Panic Disorder vs GAD
- Main difference is the fear involved: panic disorder have a fear of passing out, losing control, going crazy, getting a heart attack etc while GAD think of the anxiety mainly as indication that the worrying is not good for them and that (In the future) they may get heart problems as a result of continuous worrying
- Panic disorder often show agoraphobic avoidance whereas patients with GAD do not or hardly ever show such behavior