Week 4 - Diagonalisation, Linear systems of recurrence equations & differential equations Flashcards
2 conditions for a square matrix A to be diagonalisable
- There is an invertible matrix P
- & a diagonal matrix D such that
P^-1AP = D so AP = PD
An nxn matrix is diagonalisable if and only if it has n {enough} LI eigenvectors
What does it mean if there are “distinct eigvenvalues”?
Provide the proof for the Theorem: If an nxn matrix has n distinct evalues, then it is diagonalisable.
- Eigenvectors corresponding to distinct eigenvalues are LI
- If A has n distinct evalues, then A has n LI evectors, then P will be invertible, then A is diagonalisable.
*but does NOT work the other way. If no n distinct evalues, doesn’t mean matrix is not diagonalisable, still depends on whether there are enough (n) LI evectors!