Week 4.. Detention PACE Code C Flashcards
Protected characteristics
Age Disability Gender reassignment Pregnancy and maternity Race Religion or belief Sex Sexual orientation
Code c does not affect the principle that all cirizens have a duty to help police to prevent crime and discover offenders.
When an officer is trying to discover whether, or by whom, an offence has been committed, they are entitled to question any person from whom they think useful information could be obtained.
A person’s declaration that they are unwilling to reply does not alter this entitlement.
Define police detention as per s118 pace 1984
A person is in police detention if he has been taken to a police stn after being arrested for an offence or after being arrested under s41 of terrorism act 2000 or:
He is arrested at a police stn after attending voluntarily at the stn or accompanying constable to it , and is detained there, or elsewhere in charge of a constable, except that a person who is at court after being charged is not in polcie detention for those purposes
Where a person is in another’s lawful custody by virtue of schedule 4 to police reform act 2002, he shall be treated as in police detention
(Sch 4 police reform act refers to power to tfr persons into the custody of investigating officers
When would on book in, a custody written record not be made in the presence o the person detained?
If they are incapable of understanding, are violent, likely to become violent or in urgent need of medical attention
If an investigating officer has any material/documents in their control which appear to undermine the need to keep the suspect in custody, who will be responsible for determining which, if any, of the documents are capable of undermining and therefore must be made available to the suspect or solicitor?
The authorising officer (as in officer authorising the detention)
Children and young persons act 1933.
S1 says what
Requires that arrangements are made to ensure that any girl under 18 whilst detained at police station is under the care of a woman
Up to custody officer to determine whether a Record should be made of the property a detained person has with them or has had taken from them on arest is. Any record is not required to be kept as part.of the custody record. But the custody record should note as to where any property record exists.
Custody officer should however be mindful of force instructions as to what needs recording and it is suggetsed that they make records to ensure against claims that property has been removed/mishandled
S54 pace 1984?
Provides for the custody officer ascertaining what a detained person has with them.
Clothes and personal effects may be seized if believed the detained person may use them to: Cause injury to self or others Damage property Interfere with evidence Assist him escape
Detained person may be searched at anytime whilst in custody to ascertain the above.
Constable searching must be of same sex
S54 pace… what isnt covered under this section ?
Intimate searches.
An intimate search may not be conducted ubder a54 pace.
Who authorises a strip search ?
Who authorises an intimate search?
Strip search - custody officer
Intimate search - inspector
3 levels of search in custody
Searches that do not include removal of more than outer clothing (includes shoes and socks)
Strip search
Intimate search
Where is PACE are strip searches dealt with
Code C annex A
Para 9-12
Intimate search? Consists of what?
The physical examination of a persons body orifices (other than the mouth)
Pace code c annex A.
Authorised by an inspector who has reasonable grounds for beleiving the person may have concealed on themselves:
- anything that they could or might use to cause physical injury to self or others at station
OR - A class A drug which they intend to supply to another, or to export
Drug search
X rays and ultrasound scans
S55a PACE 1984
Code C annex K
Allows detained person to have an x-ray taken of them or an ultrasound scan carried out on them (or both)
Reasonable force may be used to conduct search under what act?
117 pace
every reasonable effort must be made to mininise the embarrassment a person being searched may experience
Code a. Para 3.1
Useful when considering how to conduct a search
Right not to beheld incommunicado.
Person may have 1.person known to them informed of their whereabouts as soon as practicable
(Can have up to 2 alternatives is 1st choice cannot be contacted)
This right may be exercised EACH TIME a detainee is taken to another police station
A record must be kept of any letters, messages, phone calls made/received or visit received.
The detainee must be asked to countersign the record
The detainee must be informed that this communication may be given in evidence.
Who can deny /delay the detainee have a phone call / writing materials?
Right to a Solicitor.
If a jeuvenille or mentally disordered or otherwise mentally vulnerable, an appropriate adult should consider if legal advise is required.
If detained person says they don’t want legal advice , the appropriate adult has the right to as for a solicitor to attend if this would be in the best interests of the detainee.
(however the detainee cannot be forced to see the solicitor if they dont want to
A detainee who wants legal advice may not be interviewed until they have received such advice unless what?
A superintendent has reasonable grounds for believing that the delay might:
Lead to inference with/harm to evidence or harm to other people
Lead to serious loss/ damage to property
Lead to alerting other people suspected of having committed an offence but not yet arrested
Hinder the recovery of property
Or that the superintendent believes that the delay waiting for the solicitors arrival would cause unreasonable delay to the process or investigation
Or if the specific solicitor requested cannot be contacted, have indicated they do not wish to be contacted or have declined to attend but the detainee has declined the duty solicitor then the interview may be started with agreement from inspector
What if the detainee changes their mind and states they no longer wish to have solicitor present?
Inspector must speak to detainee to enquire as to reason why they have a change of mind
Informs the solicitor of change of mind
Reason for detainees change of mind to be recorded on custody record
Detainee to then confirm in writing on custody record that they wish to proceed to interviee without solicitor
Inspector to be satisfied that it is proper for interview to proceed in the circumstances and give written authority
What must the interviewer do when detainee changes mind before interview and says no longer wants legal advice?
Remind of rights to legal advice.and right to change mind at any point during interview.
Ensure that it is noted on written interview record that the detainee changed their mind, that authority was given to proceed to interview.
If solicitor arrives before interview completed then detainee must be informed and a break will be taken to allow them to speak to solicitor if they wish
When may an interviewer require a solicitor to leave the interview?
And who authorises this??
If their conduct is such that the interviewer is unable to properly put questions to the suspect (if the solicitors conduct prevents or unreasonably obstructs proper questions being put to detainee).
If the interviewer considers a solicitor is acting in such a way then they will stop the interview and consult a superintendent (or inspector not connected to the investigation if a superintendent is not avail).
After speaking to solicitor the officer consulted will decide if interview should continue in presence of that solicitor. If not then suspect will be give opportunity to consult another solicitor before interview continues