Week 4 - Consumer Theory Flashcards
Consumption bundle
A complete list of quantities of available goods that a consumer consumes
What factors make a consumption bundle good
preference and budget constraints
How are consumption bundles represented
Name = (Qx, Qy, Qz)
E.g., A = (4, 5, 8)
Ordering consumption bundles
A > B: bundle A is strictly preferred to bundle B
A ≥ B: bundle A is weakly preferred to bundle B
A ~ B: the individual is indifferent between A and B
Assumptions for ordering consumption bundles
Completeness, transitivity, reflexivity, non-satiation.
Any 2 consumption bundles can be compared - no “I don’t mind” etc.
For any 3 consumption bundles, X, Y, Z, If X ≥ Y and Y ≥ Z, this implies that X ≥ Z
For identical consumption bundles there is no preference between them X ~ X
More is better than less or at least more is not worse than less
E.g., if A has more of at least 1 item compared to B and no less of any others, then A will be preferred to B.
Law of demand
As the cost (monetary and non-monetary) of a good/service rises, quantity demanded falls.
Comes from cost benefit principle - higher price will be higher than more consumers reservation price.
A measure of the satisfaction a user receives from consuming a good/service.
A higher utility means more satisfaction.
Ordinal utility
Only the ranking of utility matters, not the difference in utility values.
e.g., if U(A) is twice as big as U(B) then A is preferred but does not mean A is preferred twice as much.
Cardinal utility
Both the ranking and difference between values of utility matter.
Indifference curve
A curve showing all bundles that lead to the same value of utility.
Each value of utility has its own indifference curve.
A curve further away from the origin will have a higher utility.
Indifference curves are downwards sloping and cannot cross.
Indifference map
A graph showing multiple different indifference curves.