List the components of the urinary system.
Renal pelvis
At what vertebral level are the kidneys found?
State their other anatomical locations.
They extend from T12 to L3.
Posterior abdomen
Describe the complex layers of fascia and fat that encase the kidneys from deep to superficial.
*Renal capsule – tough fibrous capsule.
*Perirenal fat – collection of extraperitoneal fat.
*Renal fascia (also known as Gerota’s fascia or perirenal
fascia) – encloses the kidneys and the suprarenal glands.
*Pararenal fat – mainly located on the posterolateral aspect of the kidney.
State the two main areas of divisions of the renal parenchyma.
The outer cortex
Inner medulla
Describe the structures of the kidney from the Renal cortex to the Ureter.
1.The renal parenchyma can be divided into two main areas – the outer cortex and inner medulla.
2.The cortex extends into the medulla, dividing it into triangular shapes – these are known as renal pyramids.
3.The apex of a renal pyramid is called a renal papilla.
4.Each renal papilla is associated with a structure known as the minor calyx, which collects urine from the pyramids.
5.Several minor calices merge to form a major calyx.
6.Urine passes through the major calices into the renal pelvis, a flattened and funnel-shaped structure.
- From the renal pelvis, urine drains into the ureter, which transports it to the bladder for storage.
8.The medial margin of each kidney is marked by a deep fissure, known as the renal hilum.
What is the function of the renal hilum?
This acts as a gateway to the kidney – normally the renal vessels and ureter enter/exit the kidney via this structure.
Describe 3 boarders of the kidney.
*Lateral, Median and Medial.
State the poles of the kidney.
*Superior and inferior pole.
What are the function of the kidney?
*Remove waste products and drugs from the blood.
*Release hormones that regulate BP eig, renin
*Balance the body fluids
What is the function of the ureter?
Carry urine from the kidney to the bladder.
What is the function of the bladder?
Store urine from the bladder
Contract to empty the urine through the urethra
What is the function of the urethra?
Pass out urine outside the body in